I thought these were just tags based on how many posts you had, no?
I thought these were just tags based on how many posts you had, no?
When you create a character you can raise and lower your attributes and watch what they affect go up and down.
To play devil's advocate...
A lot of great points... and had it been 2008 when to be in an Alpha/Beta you had to fill out a 20 question form and then were hand-picked by the devs based on age, your machine, hours you can put in, genre familiarity, past games played, etc., I would have agreed with every point.
Oh, and it was free to test as well, so it was special, and a privilege... testers took pride in sending in bug reports and such.
I mean, I don't disagree, the OPs points were spot-on. However, when someone has put down $100-$500 to "test" the game, they have more of a right right to voice opinions as well as test "what they want to test". They weren't chosen based on abilities and specs... they invested.
They've paid a lot more than the post-release player will, and they feel that gives them those rights.
In a genre where so many of us have put hundreds of $$s down on games that have never released, it's tough to argue that people don't have more flexibility than they used to... since we're chosen by pulling out a credit card, instead of by our pedigree.
I was going to ask where we make this decision, lol. Ostaff cleaed it up for me.
@Freas I want to thank Freas for running the contest and being so generous... thanks much!
I'd really like a key, lol. I spent almost $300 on Crowfall in... 2016... and the game isn't out yet. (and what I've played I've disliked) So I told myself I'd never pre-pay for a game again.
So I'd like a key, lol. It'd only take an hour and I'd know if I should pull out me cc.
@Freas I am excited about Fractured because my first MMO was Ultima Online in 1997. (yeah I'm old, lol)
I played for four years, every day having to create my own content. No quests, no map, no tutorial, no Discord, no Battlegrounds, no instances.
This is the closest game I have seen since, that comes close to my favorite game ever... Ultima Online.
The features that excite me are the ability to be myself and create my own content. I don't need to follow someone else's path.
I can be me.
I tried to edit but it won't let me - time limit.
I did some more research and saw that the video I watched at first was just lame, and the combat is much better than it showed.
I DO still wonder about how long the test phase is... Bueller?
Ok. Who do I send money? j/k. Kinda.
Er... yes, i would LOVE a key!
Please put my hat in the ring. I'm old (59 but plan to live to see 100!) but PROMISE if you hook me up, to hook up someone else with one in a game in the future! That's nice, eh?
Did you say "be creative?". I thought I heard you say be creative!
Here ya go then!
Since Charlie Daniels just died... I'd sing it but well. Um. No.
*The devil went down to Fractured, he was looking for a key to steal,
he was in a bind, a few dollars behind, and looking to make a deal...
When he came across this young man, with an extra key he had got,
and he jumped up on a laptop, and said "boy lemme tell you what...
I guess you didn't know it but I'm an MMO player too,
and if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you...
You play a pretty good game boy, but give the devil his due,
I'll bet a mouse of gold, against that code, cause I think I'm better than you"...
The boy said "my name's Recoil, and it might be a sin,
but I'll take your bet, you're gonna regret, you just aint gettin' that pin"...
Recoil, take some days off work and play your Alpha hard,
'Cause Hell's broke loose in Fractured and the Devil deals the cards,
And if you win you get this shiny mouse that's made of gold,
But if you lose the devil gets your coooode....
The Devil, he logged in the first and said, "I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips as he parried to and fro...
And he pulled his sword from its shaft and it made an evil hiss,
And a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this...
When the Devil finished, Recoil said, "Well, you're pretty good ol' son
But sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done."...
The Devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat
And he laid that golden mouse on the ground at Recoil's feet...
Recoil said, "Devil, just come on back if you ever wanna try that trick,
I done told you once--you son of a bitch-- the key is going to Znick".*
I'd love to jump into the Alpha tomorrow but just watched a few videos on YouTube. SO MANY aspects of the game look great... but ...
The combat looks like you stand for 4 - 5 minutes next to a mob or PC just whacking each other until one dies. I don't see any dodging, animations of the enemy you can read to block or dodge, range, etc.. Is that all there is? I was ready to fork over the $ until I saw those videos.
Any thoughts? Am I wrong? (I hope I am, lol)
Also... how long will this session last? Is it 3 days, 3 weeks? 3 months?
@cpinpon Ok, thanks... so maybe travel, rest, travel back... I guess we'll see.
I have searched but can't find this one... if you don't gain positive karma for killing a demon, and you can't gain it killing good or neutral players (for obvious reasons) how would a demon wanting to become "good" gain karma?