Says I don't have enough raw animal hide. but I clearly do.
Posts made by Xulu
Tanning Vat Problem?
RE: Sword/Axe are now a joke...
@GorethMolier No, what I used to do was fun. I could do a bit of damage and survive as well. Mages were doing much better, but I wasn't complaining, I'd rather have a bit more survivability than to be a bit more damage. It was very even.
Sword/Axe are now a joke...
Really, what were you all thinking? Might as well feel like I'm back at the noob island starting all over again because I think with primitive weapons I was hitting for more. Strike down, well, let's change that to a PER ability and leave it on the Axe tree, wtf? Execute, hit for 206 on an ogre that was less than half health, woohoo. Slashing wave on the sword side, joke. Guys, this was the worst patch that could have come out. Plate = Joke. Mtn Dragon leather is better, where is the logic, please, tell me like I'm 5 years old because I can't understand any of this at all.
RE: Patch b.1.0g - Economy, PvE & PvP Balancing
@Prometheus In Discord you said, "A wide nerf is a hard decision to make, but it's the right one."
And coming from over 30 years of gaming, I can tell you, that has never been a good option, ever. I have played more MMO's than I can count and nerfing so hard is never a good option for the customer base. I won't even go into the "neutral" buffs of divines, that's for another topic.
More people solo in this game than they do group. It's a fact, I see it everywhere I am playing. At most, you will see a duo. Sometimes 3. It's rare that large groups are out farming. So, we kill the solo farmers, the silent majority that play the game? I just don't see the logic. Who cares if people are doing "well"? It's harder for people starting out until they learn a good playstyle, but now, a lot of people go back to the drawing board to see what the next meta is and that's obviously intended. But what then, nerf that too? If ogres were never meant to be solo'd, that should have been from day one. Ogres have always been solo'able. So, if that is just stripped from people, what are they to do now? Luckily, I can get my GF to play with me and I "was" able to tank while she killed stuff. Who knows now.
I know you all are doing your best, but for a moment, think about what happens when you take some of the fun out of the game for people who enjoy going into the woods and hitting chest camps, or killing some ogres, etc. I haven't been in the game, just read what @Yalah had posted and, more than anyone, that guy knows what he's doing.
Love you guys, this is the most dedicated I've ever been about a game, but hold off the nerf bat. Take another look and step back. Instead of nerf, buff.
RE: Patch b.1.0g - Economy, PvE & PvP Balancing
@Yalah Dude, I love your numbers and trust them more than anything else. That chart is amazing. It also makes me very sad as a slayer/great axe user. Looks like I'm switching styles altogether.
RE: Punishment for Reds
I agree, if I was a PvP'r, I would think it sucks if you have to spend two real life days in jail. That should be re-worked because in the end, it's still a game. But the punishment should reflect the deed. Perhaps put them in a timeout for two days where they can't attack any players unless they get attacked. That would be fair in my opinion, but eventually someone would abuse that by walking into an AOE or something to get around the punishment. Anyway, I'm not crying over it because I'm not someone who steals other's crap for my enjoyment.
RE: Punishment for Reds
I've been reading a couple of threads on the Discord about Reds and punishment and how harsh it is. I have to be honest here, it makes me laugh. Anyone who cries about punishment from killing a blue player just trying to survive is a little baby and should go outside with his friends and give up gaming.
These are the classic keyboard warriors. Everyone talking about harsh penalties and how to make them better for people who's sole purpose is to destroy the fun for others. How about the people they killed and took their shit? OP is right, some people have worked hours on trying to better themselves and it's all taken away by some asswipe that thinks that killing you is fun and he shouldn't be penalized because he joined a "PvP" game. Besides, this game was never a "PvP Game". It was a PvP and PvE and PvEvP game.
So if reds want to cry all over about penalties, sorry, not sorry.
So, what happened to Myr?
Was that entire continent just tossed in the garbage or will it be a part of something else later on down the line?
RE: QoL Improvements - Thoughts
Salvage Feature
NPC that buys garbage for cheap
Hover over mobs for name of the mob
RE: Not A Guide: Gladiator Background (Pre EGC)
Once again, a great read Thanks for the post!
RE: Great Axe Warrior
@Nyquil44 I was all gung ho about doing Longsword/Shield and Great Sword. After many hours and tests, I picked up the Great Axe a few hours ago. What an entire game changer...Of course any two hand is going to do much better than a one hand but I'm hitting mobs for over 1k. I can finally solo without just being a meat shield. I love it!
RE: Not A Guide: Gladiator Background (Pre EGC)
Extremely interesting read. I'm anxiously awaiting the next update!
RE: QoL Improvements - Thoughts
Global House Maintenance (so if you move, your maintenance moves with you)
Auto Stacking items (kind of the same thing as a sort option)
It would be nice if the map always centered on you when you pull it up!
RE: QoL Improvements - Thoughts
Also, from Discord:
Chat Bubbles
Map Pins
Whisper to other players
RE: Paying gold to craft in our own workshops is not enjoyable.
@Esoba I don't see how they could implement a "Palace" on a 5x5, let alone a 4x4 outside of town. They would need to implement "stories" if anything, allowing the ground floor to be a place for outdoor shops and the other floors for whatever else.
QoL Improvements - Thoughts
Since we have some downtime I thought I would mention a couple of quality of life items that seem to be had by a lot of people I chat with. They are:
Inventory sorting for chests and bags. Even if it was random or just simply would pull all items up, that would be huge.
Moving "Carts" - I've moved twice already, and will probably move again. Perhaps some system of building a traveling caravan to move chests from your plot, items, even workstations would be cool. Just my two cents.
That's all. Thanks.
Where are the developers??
OK, so I've been a fanboi here for a long time, but another post I've been following is really starting to annoy the hell out of me. Look guys, I understand you are doing all you can for the masses, you need the money, you need the income to keep developing, etc. It's understandable. However, while this is all of what you are working on, take five minutes once a YEAR to update those that backed you on Kickstarter! This is really annoying now, the developer forum access that was actually not even used for over an entire year that we have access to, the constant questions about some of the kickstarter rewards that are just being brushed off, etc. How about 5 minutes to update the paying backers from the beginning on what you all plan for us??? The lifetime carpenter, what is that going to be? Will it be the weekly maintenance that has to be paid since that is no longer a thing? How about Palaces? This question has been asked 23948762398472389742 times and still after 5 years, NO ANSWER. Is that planned to be city only, if so, that's BS and how would it be implemented in the open areas? How would someone with a "Palace" have any outdoor workstations? Are you all planning on making larger plots for those that have them? ANY INFO PLEASE! I hate to sound like a whiny little girl but Jesus guys, it's been 5 years, 5 YEARS! It's like those that backed you all with hundreds and thousands of dollars in the very beginning just don't mean sh*t to you all anymore, why should we, we spent that money years ago, you all need new money. Rant over.
RE: Arborean PvE loot rules
@stkmro said in Arborean PvE loot rules:
@spoletta said in Arborean PvE loot rules:
The current system is that there is a damage threshold you have to reach in order to be eligible to loot.
What's the damage threshold?
Sucks to be a healer?
RE: Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open
@Prometheus said in Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open:
@Xulu said in Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open:
A couple of questions:
Will we be able to use the regular launcher or do we need to swap back over to Steam? I've had this game forever, long before the Steam first access.
On Steam currently, I only see a game called Fractured that isn't this game, it's another game. How is that possible? EDIT Finally found Fractured but there IS another game called Fractured. Might want to let people know in case there are some click happy people.
You can keep using the regular launcher. You can even use the regular launcher if you bought the game on Steam after linking accounts
@DarthJafo said in Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open:
@Prometheus I still get my Palace right?
You get whatever is included in your founder pack!
@Xulu said in Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open:
I went and reserved my name like the post says, I then go into game and create my character with an error of "This name has already been reserved by another player or developer". Uh, what gives??
@axan22 we fixed this error 4 hours ago or so, give it another try
@Fi said in Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open:
Regarding these instructions about linking before creating a character and/or reserving a name, if I buy the game again at its base price on Steam or at a later day then link my account, will I be adversely affected?
What do you mean? No, you won't, founder packs are always the same. You're going to miss the current sales though
@Rumor said in Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open:
I never signed up on steam the first time (I do have a package), so I have nothing to launch atm. Do you have a way to connect things up now? I didnt play previously because of glyph, so now that you are free of them, I will give it a go.
If you bought the game on you can just login there, download the launcher and play on the 8th! If not, you can buy now on sale there or wait to buy on Steam on the 8th
It works now! I was able to create my character with the name. Thanks!
RE: Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open
I went and reserved my name like the post says, I then go into game and create my character with an error of "This name has already been reserved by another player or developer". Uh, what gives??