Recipes have been an hot topic ever since their introduction, and they still are.
The community discussion mostly focuses on 4 perceived issues with them. In order of importance they are:
Excessively restrictive toward new players, especially for weapons. New players are stuck with primitive weapons for a very long time and this gets frustrating. This issue is even more perceived at the launch of the game when everyone is keeping recipes for himself/his guild and the few recipes being sold have huge prices. Armor sets are less of an issue, you can already craft the tier 1 version. It is fine to gatekeep the tier 2 version.
The recipes once used have no more purpose to exist for that player. With the passing of the days, the recipes go from extremely expensive to trash loot, simply because they saturate the market and no one requires them any more. There will be new players which need them, but the current drop rate of recipes in the game will more than overcompensate this recurring need.
A system based on crafting the same item multiple times to improve its quality is bad for the economy (flood of unwanted items) and not exactly fun or in line with the rest of the flow of the game. The durability gain is also not considered enough of a reward by many players, but at the same time this game can't exactly put vertical bonuses wherever it likes. Also, the fact that you de facto need maximum proficiency in primitive items before crafting the good ones to avoid "wasting xp" is kind of a noob trap.
It doesn't really make sense for a bear to keep accurate notes on how to build a bow.
Obviously the most critical issue is the first one. The first days of the game will have a large impact on the final success of it, so something that negatively impacts those very few hours has the highest importance. Fractured has an incredibly good crafting system, and many come try the game for it. Having these random piece of papers as showstoppers can leave a bitter taste.
Now, I would like to invite anyone to speak their mind about this topic. Provide feedback and potential changes that you would like.
Just as reminder though, consider that the more complex is the change you propose, the less likely it is to being taken in consideration by the devs.
I will start by presenting what I consider could be a potentially good solution to these issues.
It is a change with 3 possible levels of effort from the dev team.
Low effort solution: Remove the need for recipes on weapons, leave it only for tier 2 armor sets. This solves problem 1 but makes problem 2 more marked since the recipes will become even less useful in the long run. Still, it would save a lot of frustration to new players with very few changes.
Medium effort solution: Apply the previous change, and then remove the generical recipe drop that is currently present. In its place, increase the recipe drop from chests by a wide amount. This way we solve issue number 4 and at the same time we give a clear value to the treasure chests.
High effort: Apply the low effort solution and then use for recipes the same system that is currently in place for orbs. Weapons are unlocked by default (like plate mails and leather armor), while armor sets require to be unlocked. After the unlock, you can use recipes to increase the quality of that craft, identically to how you currently increase your level in a spell school with orbs. Crafting the item again and again will not provide "xp" to it. The higher the quality, the higher the number of recipes you need to use to increase it. This change has several advantages. If the increase in quality is put on a dropped item, its value will be determined by the market, so they will be priced according to the perceived gain of the increased durability instead of it being tied to a certain amount of resources and gold. Also, a single player will be able to benefit from many more copies of the same recipe, and so the influx of new players will be more likely to prevent the saturation of the market. In short, it will resolve issues 2 and 3. Recipes will gain long term value, without proving to be a showstopper in the first days of the game. Primitive items will keep the same current system, no one has issues with them.