@benseine No, just one.
Posts made by Specter
RE: I have no friends :(
@esher "more than 100, less than 1000" refers to the number of keys that are going to be handed out for the pre-alpha, not the required foundation level for the key.
RE: Getting Antsy!
@Ildirettore @Gibbx @Finland They are indeed working hard. As you probably know, Prometheus was very busy the last few weeks with securing funding for Fractured. He was originally going to reveal more details about it this week, but due to an unforeseen issue, he'll probably reveal those details next week instead. As for the spotlight, due to all the work that went into securing said funding, he hasn't been able to finish the spotlight yet. I have no further information about the gameplay footage, other than that it's being worked on.
RE: Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
Week 7 has started. The week 5 and 6 drawing will be held when Prometheus has time to do so.
RE: Week 04 - Weekly Drawing Winners
@muker Yes, week 5 ended last Thursday but the results haven't been posted yet. Every Thursday, a new drawing starts so we're currently in week 6.
RE: Week 04 - Weekly Drawing Winners
@muker Don't worry, the list is ready. Prometheus is just very busy right now. This week's weekly drawing started last thursday as always.
RE: Mute user function
That's enough. @FibS, I've informed Prometheus about your request for a mute user function. I shall lock this thread now because it's just a breeding ground for fights at this point.
RE: I know it's late but Hi.
Welcome @phmfloripa.
@finland As I've said before, pre-alpha is scheduled for late this year, not spring/summer. Kickstarter is currently scheduled for spring.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@jetah And it will. Due to the popularity of this topic, the next spotlight is going to be about this topic instead of town building.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
It's based on alignment. Arboreus is inhospitable to evil-aligned players.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@Phaethonas Some areas on Arboreus will be PvE-only. Read my post here.
RE: Mute user function
@finland There's no need to attack other members. We don't know what kind of harassment @Dagimir experienced through private messages. We take all harassment serious, no matter who the victim is.
Anyone who experiences harassment through private messages on this forum and believes it breaks the forum rules, can send me a screenshot of the conversation and we'll deal with it. Just make sure to provide the full context.
The PvE vs PvP Thread
Over the past few weeks, I've seen a lot of discussions pop up about PvE vs PvP. Unfortunately, this discussion is currently taking place in the thread about goldsellers and DDoS attacks, which is not exactly about PvE vs PvP. :slight_frown: That's why I've decided to move this discussion to a new thread.
In addition to that, I would like to clear up a few misconceptions that popped up during those discussions.
Is Fractured a PvE or PvP game?
Fractured is both! The developers want Fractured to appeal to wide range of players, including players who are interested in PvE. Fractured will have PvE content like dungeons and recurring PvE events.Can Demons raid Arboreus?
Also, I would like to highlight a post written by Prometheus about this subject:
Thanks for starting this thread @Logain, we've been following it with a lot of interest. I see it mostly evolved into a PvP vs PvE discussion, which seems to be very frequent on the forums these days - so I'll address that specifically.
We are deeply convinced we can make the PvE and PvP crowds coexist in Fractured. In fact, we could call that one of the design pillars of the game itself!
Historically, several MMOs just launched separate servers with different rulesets to address the issue. Others have gone for a level-base split - low level areas are protected, high level areas feature FFA PvP (perhaps with some mid-ground in between). Albion Online is a good example of the latter.
The Albion approach helps with new player retention, but in the end if you hate PvP you're going to quit, since you can only progress up to a point.
In Fractured, if you like only PvE, you have a home for yourself (Arboreus) that features areas that are entirely PvE-only, and the rest where hostile PvP is still seriously restricted. You won't get murdered when you're a new player, and you'll be largely able to avoid it after and still progress, since resources on Arboreus are not weaker nor stronger than in Syndesia or Tartaros - they're just different.
Of course, I realize this answer is not explaining much, so it might be a good thing to anticipate the Spotlight on the justice system and PvP rules (which is already planned), since I can't explain it all in just one forum post.
That being said, Fractured is still a sandbox MMO - you won't have a questline to follow, you won't be spoon-fed the content of the game, crafting, trading and building are a huge part of the Fractured experience - easily more than PvE, if one wants to - and so on. If someone is looking for the new WoW, he won't find it here :slight_smile:
RE: Date
@finland The Kickstarter is scheduled for this spring, not the pre-alpha. The pre-alpha is scheduled for late this year just like the first alpha wave.
No beta date has been set yet, only alpha.
RE: what have i do???
@finland The first 10 levels no longer give passive daily points because it was too easy to level up without any activity. Also, it was too easy for members with a lot of referrals to level up through their inactive referrals. We never said we're going to wipe the progress of inactive members.
RE: what have i do???
@finland We never said that. Progress will never be wiped because of inactivity.
@epricesx It seems your account was flagged as an alt account, I'll look into it.