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RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
Its supposed to be a planet for both pve and pvp but right now its so heavily unbalanced that the only pvp against a sheriff you will see is if they evil know they can win, this creates a system where you will either see people running from fights or unfair ganking. (if i see someone with sheriff tag, why would i take the fight if the only reward i get is his loot, while his reward is jailing me for 2 days getting my loot and getting the bounty gold) HIGHLY unbalanced.
Also 24-48 hours is way too long of a time period 10-100 minutes would work way better, "temp banning" people from the game from doing pvp in a pvp game is insane, they should get punished for doing pvp in a lawful world but dont push them away from playing the game because they litterly cant.
Gold, i know alot of the pve'ers have alot of money beacuse they sit all day farming, but us who pvp we dont farm all day and use alot of the money to travel so we are not rich in any way, so a 6k bail is very expensive, and if there is gonna be added more things to spend your money on in the future you cant efford to pk, which would make that would completely stagnant.
i love playing hardcore pvp games, and this game really looks great. Im looking forward to its launch