Disappointed that the latest Alpha had none of the environmental features that are the strongest reason I chose to invest in this game in the first place.

Posts made by Orison
RE: Unique mounts
Neverwinter Nights had the craziest mounts, but beautiful ones too. I like that they also had different "perks." Stags, Cats, Snails, etc. Very cool.
RE: Housing ?
@Jetah Or I can just get a quick answer. Not every likes pouring over 30 pages of text.
Housing ?
Will your house and its belongings be "safe'? i.e. can you be destroyed or looted?
RE: Real Crafting
Every game Ive ever played that promises a economy that lives and breathes through the players has not done well. The same with items that are all player crafted. If the resources are piled in a few areas, then some will have all and others none. Its my hope that does not happen here.
RE: Alpha 1 - Test 2 Launch Day Revealed
Awesome news. Cant wait to get in there and find out what I spent my money on.
Any new news?
Been excited since the announcement of Alpha part 2, anything new to report? Starting date maybe?
RE: What are you watching right now?
Barry. Awesome show. Wish there were more than two seasons to binge.
RE: The End of most Sandbox PVP Games-The losing side.
@Whisper Atlas "dealt" with the problem by taxing a Companies islands: more islands = more taxes. But that solution fell short. Larger and larger Companies bring in more and more gold. Th mega Companies run by the Chinese ruined that game for me.
Music question. . .
Just listened to the music found at https://fracturedmmo.com/fractured-ost-main-theme-v1/
I thought it was really good. Oftentimes you get caught up in games without ever listening to the music overmuch but this is nice.
My question: Is all the music expected to be of this quality?
RE: What part of the game is most intriguing to you all
Taming. Always liked taming.
RE: Animal taming and breeding.
Wasnt familiar with Ark but very familiar with Atlas, by the same people. I agree I like that system.
Wileorn Soulburn (aka Orison Faithwield) looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends.