Any updates on Martial Artist?

Posts made by Mudz
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
@Logain Last time around I focused on maxing Dex and then some in Per, Int and Con. I used Talents in Dex, Str and Con mainly, but will need to see what changes there are now.
RE: The Data Transfer Is Here!
Happy to see the news
and great to have a functional forum again
RE: Dear Devs, can we get the map fixed please?
I tested alot for this bug a year ago with debug builds to try figure out the issue.
Suspected to be related to limitations in supported functionality for some older graphics cards in combination with the changes made to the map when they added more advanced features to it. -
RE: Website Relaunch!
Looks nice in Chrome
Is it only me or does the webpage look odd in firefox? Compared to Chrome it is missing text and the text is moved to the left side of the page and cut to some extent.
RE: Limited uses for recipes
Trying to structure my thoughts to maybe be alittle bit easier to read the suggestions:
Knowledge points and resource/material bonus unlocks:
- Initial exploration Knowledge Point bonus for finding a new resource type through harvesting, including bonus resources when found.
- Entry into the book of knowledge for that resource or bonus resource with some general information (no knowledge percentage gain at this point).
- If purchasing a resource and not learning about it by harvesting you gain the initial Knowledge Point bonus from processing the resource instead.
- (Any type of processed material that is created by combining several base resources gets the initial Knowledge Point bonus from processing or crafting using that material.)
- Entry into the book of knowledge for that resource/material triggered here instead with some general information (no knowledge percentage gain at this point).
If purchasing a resource or a processed resource and not learning about it by harvesting or processing you gain the initial Knowledge Point bonus from crafting with the processed resource instead.
(Any type of processed material that is created by combining several base resources gets the initial Knowledge Point bonus from processing or crafting using that material.)
Entry into the book of knowledge for that resource triggered here instead with some general information (no knowledge percentage gain at this point).
Resource knowledge increases with crafting using that specific resource, gaining Knowledge Points up until 100% knowledge and unlocking bonuses like unlocking abilities from monsters.
Information regarding bonuses to be updated in the book of knowledge once learned.
Smaller bonuses initially and then slightly better at the end.
This would mean that you don't know everything about a resouce from the start and will only be able to craft items with the bonuses you know for the resource used.
<Resource> (Main component used in crafting)
<Bonus1>: Unlock at 25% knowledge of that material
<Bonus2>: Unlock at 50% knowledge of that material
<Bonus3>: Unlock at 75% knowledge of that material
<Bonus4>: Unlock at 100% knowledge of that material
Crafting masteries:
- Gain mastery levels like now by crafting a specific item.
- Unlock new specific masteries using Knowledge Points when you have reached high enough level in the previous mastery.
- When you reach a specific mastery level for an item you unlock the possibility to spend Knowledge Points to learn new mastery specific recipes from that Tier.
- If anything should drop as loot it could be "forgotten knowledge" or "lost techniques" that can be used to gain some progress in knowledge of a specific resource/material or a crafting mastery.
RE: Limited uses for recipes
Been thinking about this some.
Throwing out a few thoughts.Maybe recipes as drops is not the way to go at all?
Seems like suggestions here just tries to turn it into one additional resource to collect to be able to craft.Personally I really enjoy the adventure part where you gain knowledge points and learn abilities from fighting monsters.
Can this be applied to crafting in some way?Could it give crafting knowledge points by finding new resources or using resources in crafting and then use that knowledge to unlock recipes?
Could there be a progression like with monsters that you learn more about the materials (and getting crafting knowledge points) while crafting and unlock more bonuses from the material that will apply to the finished product the more you know up until 100% knowledge of the material?That would make a difference then if you are a master crafter and have unlocked more bonuses and both the crafter knowledge and material progress matters.
If still wanting to have some drops it could instead be some forgotten knowledge that can help progress the knowledge about resources or the masteries.
RE: Fall Alpha 2021 Survey
The discuss button after doing the survey brings you to some old page (
RE: Single Weapon Style talent doesn't give any of the stated bonuses
yeah I wrote this before the patch notes came up
RE: Single Weapon Style talent doesn't give any of the stated bonuses
Seems like the evasion in the character sheet is updated now when checking again in the a.2.6.1 patch
RE: Points of interest triggering wrong map update and will only get exp from one
New goblin camp also triggering wrong map update. So seems like all new groups of POIs trigger the wrong updates considering that bandits, ogres and new goblin camps all trigger wrong updates. Further more there are no updates on any of these points of interest at the new goblin camp.
RE: Points of interest triggering wrong map update and will only get exp from one
Seems like in gereral that the new camps for bandits and ogres trigger some other old point of interest update instead.
I have been to the bandit camp to the south west several times and so far I have not had any other point of interest there update after the update of another incorrect point of interest. No updates seen in the group of POIs for bandits or ogres so far.
RE: Points of interest triggering wrong map update and will only get exp from one
One more place with sea trolls triggering wrong map update:
RE: Master pugilist talent not giving unarmed damage based on dex as intended
@Prometheus Thanks for confirming
Waiting eagerly for a fix so I can start punching things with my bare hands
RE: Map interface not working
I can confirm that they have been trying to figure out the bug causing the problem with the map that I have and alot of tests have been done to debug the issue and test possible solutions. This has been ongoing on and off since I reported it in previous alpha tests. So I must say that there have been alot of support on this.
To be honest I think there are many other things that in the overall development of this game needs to take prio over this particular problem at times.If there are issues in this last test there could be relations to the latest attempt to resolve the issue as I think they had tweaked something this time around as well for this test round. Maybe that has instead caused more people to have issues with the map.
RE: i do not like the changes to the talent tree and equipment
I agree that the talent tree isn't really appealing this playtest.
From previously having a hard time to decide what talent to select it was now more challanging to try find one that was actually interesting and fitting my playstyle.
In my view the talents should be made more interesting for different types of characters and made more diverse to give a more widespread spectrum of possible appealing builds no matter what playstyle you have.
Some talents also had more than one bonus which can be nice to some extent, but in some way it also pushes you to commit to that specific playstyle if you want to fully benefit from the talent. -
RE: Map is missing
There are known issues with the map using some older graphic cards. Maybe this report from you on a newer one can help to narrow down the issue some more, unless it is some separate issue that gives same problem as my Nvidia Geforce GTX 770.
RE: Map interface not working
This is stated on Steam:
OS: Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core i3 (2nd gen) or equivalent AMD
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 or equivalent ATI Radeon
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 7 GB available spaceTo my knowledge that graphics card will not have a functioning map as my Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 isn't new enough for it.