Unarmed all the way

Best posts made by Mudz
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 3
well if you have to recover your body you need to think twice before engaging an enemy and plan what to do.
I find it to be part of the challange
Challanges are more interesting than being able to run into any enemy expecting victory at all times. -
RE: Myr Cities & Hotspots Map
Looking good. Coastal cities will be popular I think as it allows faster travel
RE: So what build is everyone going for when the servers come back online?
@Logain Last time around I focused on maxing Dex and then some in Per, Int and Con. I used Talents in Dex, Str and Con mainly, but will need to see what changes there are now.
RE: DΓΉath port town of Arboreus
Also plan on living in Arboreus so wonder if I can join your city?
Feels like home should be a place of similar minded souls -
RE: Tutorial quest "The Adventure Begins" - incorrect quest info text
This is corrected now in A2.2.1c it seems. Thanks!
RE: Fall Alpha 2021 Survey
The discuss button after doing the survey brings you to some old page (https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/12097/alpha-2-test-3-surveys)
Unable to claim land parcel
When trying to claim land at 1792 W 848 N, having enough gold in my inventory and being citizen of Duath (which I think this land belongs to) I fail to claim the land parcel.
I get the popup asking if I want to claim the land and when pressing "YES" the management window opens, but the land parcel is still not claimed.
The management window doesn't let me deposit gold either and when closed nothing more happens.
I can repeat this over and over without any success and always the same behaviour. -
RE: What's your main gonna be?
Chadra martial artist I think to go unarmed and focus on harvesting and crafting other than that.
Skeletons are invisible
When running into some Ghoul there are usually two skeletons tagging along but they are always invisible so you cant target them individually. I can only kill them with some AOE ability.
RE: Magic Missiles Beyond the Grave
The interesting thing is that when you stun a spider the spell will only send out the amount of magic missiles up until the stun. This would indicate that the magic missile spell doesnt really go off all at once.
I would think death should be stopping the spell if a stun stops it. -
RE: Your favorite Dailies, or what you would like to see them as.
I don't like dailies. Login bonuses are not something I enjoy either. For me it is the journey that matters in a game and not the end goal so better experience the world instead of getting free stuff.
Accidentally voted for another option but can't change
[FRAC-1898] The notification on the book of knowledge doesn't disappear if opening with "j"
The red notifcation symbol on the book of knowledge icon at the bottom right of the UI doesn't disappear when opening the book of knowledge using the short command "j". It is only cleared if opening by clicking the icon itself.
RE: Silence
I assume this is a question about logic and if Silence is expected to be following regular logics.
Depends on what type of spells and skills that should be impacted by your character being silenced.
I assume warcry should be impacted that obviously uses your voice, but then when it comes to spells and other abilities I assume it depends on if all spells are considered to have a vocal component to cast or if some spells are considered to be silently cast by pure mind powerWords of power are at least vocal from the name
RE: What we could craft from the glass?
I also assume bottles and vials for cooking or alchemy purposes.
Maybe trinkets like hour glasses, magnifying glasses, telescopes, aquariums, pipes, mirrors and other innovations that could be nice to look at or useable in some wayMaybe parts in traps containing different liquid or gas compounds?
I assume for jewelry and staffs it would be more interesting to use crystals and gems, but maybe some basic ones could use glass as well.
Cart and party members not showing on map
So far none of my carts or party members show on the map.
Points of interest triggering wrong map update and will only get exp from one
So far I have found two Points of Interest that trigger the wrong map update. The questionmarks stays on the spot I was investigating and the map updates a Point of Interest somewhere else on the map.
I am unable to trigger another exp gain from the remaining questionmark and it is not possible to get exp from the Point of Interest that was revealed incorrectly.
My map is not working but this should still give some hint of where the incorrect updates are:
RE: Forum Titles.....Lost?
I think it worked for me automatically before they moved the forum to the new servers.
I didnt get the last title updated automatically so asked Specter and he helped to invite to the correct group.
If this is a general problem maybe it needs to be checked further? -
RE: Map interface not working
I can confirm that they have been trying to figure out the bug causing the problem with the map that I have and alot of tests have been done to debug the issue and test possible solutions. This has been ongoing on and off since I reported it in previous alpha tests. So I must say that there have been alot of support on this.
To be honest I think there are many other things that in the overall development of this game needs to take prio over this particular problem at times.If there are issues in this last test there could be relations to the latest attempt to resolve the issue as I think they had tweaked something this time around as well for this test round. Maybe that has instead caused more people to have issues with the map.