
Posts made by maze
Legacy- no longer works [DPS][Unarmed][Light Armor][Solo] Shocking Touch of the Shadow Dancer
This Legacy build no longer works, many of the skills have been changed, equipment and skill tree. I would not attempt trying to follow this build at all.
Hay everyone, today I'll discuss one of my favorite builds~ Unarmed DPS. I have been refining it since last test and it was made mainly because metal weapons took so long to make...
The Shocking Touch of the Shadow Dancer was born.
Because if it was not going to be stabbing anyone soon~ I might as well punch em'.The build was made up to fight legends; and incase one of the legends had high armor and magical resistance we needed a true damage, damage dealer.
So using shadow dance in combined with the touch skills and unarmed damage, I ended up with a unique build; a hybrid DPS, dealing magic, physical and true damage.
The gear is cheap to make, and will mainly take enchanting to get the ideal armor sets. This guide will walk you down everything from main skills, to possible skills to pick, gear, enchants and talents.SHORT GUIDE:
MAX Attack speed + 3 types of damages.
Base Stats~
STR10, DEX18, INT15, CON18, PER10, CHA6Main skills~
R - [Shadow dance] for true damage
T - [Shocking touch] for Magic damage
D - [Frenzy] for speed
G - [Shield block] for block/tankness.
E - [Second wind] for big heal
Q - [bash] for extra attack/stun
W - [Shadow Step] for gap closer
F - BandageArmor~
-Light armor - ghoul leather (has lots of stealth; stealth means pure damage)
-Light wood ShieldEnchants
-CON, DEX on amulet
-Stealth on armor + shield
if you're having mana problems, mana regen enchant can help
for the rest of the enchanting slots ACC or health regen is also very viableTalents~
KEY MECHANICS: Many of the skills are toggled passives; so you only need to turn them on then ignore them. The only other skills you'll have to worry about is healing and possible 1-2 other skills depending on your own taste. True damage requires gear, and Passive/stance skills require sustainable mana (ie 5/mana sec); meaning this build might take some effort in setting up, but I'll take you thought the steps of early game. Lastly your main DPS will be from True damage, screw the rest (Jk you do all the dmg's still...).
-Never have a weapon that breaks!
-Sustainable damage rate: Physical, Magic, & true damage! you can hit any type of mob even [[wisp]]!.
-Pretty tanky in general vs pve; mainly from [Shield block]
--Can Solo/face tank [Mountain Trolls] & [Treants]CON's:
-Medium damage that's not as high as a Mage or some other Melee DPS types
-pvp: not very good in 1 v1
-No CC skills, you're pretty much just a straight damage dealerSTATS:
Stats can get a little confusing with all the skills in the game. I'll break down the reasons why I pick each stat and also show you were the build can change depending on your varying play styles.Strength: 10
STR adds damage to Melee unarmed attacks. None of the skill in the build scale from STR. The scaling of damage is not great over other stats so picking 6 STR or 10 STR is not a bad idea.Each point of STR adds 3% to Melee Damage using relentless style to test Max base damage STR(6) you get 36 dmg (with unarmed talents & STR(7) 56 dmg) STR(10) you get 41 dmg (with unarmed talents & STR(11) 62 dmg) STR(18) you get 49 dmg (with unarmed talents & STR(19) 74 dmg) STR(20) you get 58 dmg () also {cost 10 points to get from 6 to 10} {cost 30 points to get from 6 to 18} {cost 20 point to get from 10 to 18}
Dexterity: 14 - 18
DEX adds a bit of attack speed and will scale with our main skill [Shadow Dance]. the main idea here is pure damage can't blocked or reduce with any amount of armor. This makes it ideal for taking down legends or high armor foes.
The main way to increase Pure damage in this build is by increasing attack speeds and stealth.Each point of Dex past 10 dex adds 1% more attack speed. No bonus is given at 20 DEX or past. [Shadow Dance] gives {Dex*2=Stealth} then damage by {Stealth/4}. if you have 20 Dex you'll do 10 extra pure damage. Base Stealth is 0. From talents you can gain up to 130 (120 stealth, 5 for each DEX past 18). Enchantment on gear can push Stealth up to 500.
Intelligence: 12 -18 (24 memory and 26/s mana regen)
INT is the base for your mana regen and touch skill damage. each INT point adds 3 magic damage to touch skills.
This is also helpful for [Mage armor] and [Minor healing].
I suggest 14 if you want some room to play with skills, or 18 if you wish to max touch/magic damage.
You don't need to worry about mana regen, as your talents and gear can pretty much cover all the mana regen you'll ever need. Magic damage is pretty much the lowest damage you can gain from the build unless you change the build of courseConstitution: 18
CON is mainly used for frenzy, it gives you 1% more attack speed per CON.
also shield block, what with 20 CON you can block every 3.6sec. This can allow you to solo most PvE content.
If you don't expect to soloing anything ever then you can lose the CON and use the point's else where.
But I don't expect to talk about this in this guide.Perception: 6
So PER... a sort of black sheep of the stats. It's either really good or really bad. ACC comes from PER, it's honestly...meh.
I don't go for crit either in my build. if you were to build for crit the max damage you get would be getting is 187 (should be 220 but scaling is weird in my test); top that off with the randomness crit does you could get a 60! crit or 150! crit. So I just don't build for it.
Magic damage, and pure damage also don't crit.I've already tested this and also have the math of what ACC vs EVA is... Most mobs have 160EVA. Humanoid having 300-400. PER6 ACC90 vs EVA270 (no talents) expected miss rate 20% PER13 ACC395 vs EVA270 (with talents) expected miss rate 16% PER20 ACC640 vs EVA270 (Full talents), expected miss rate 14% PER6 ACC90 vs EVA500 expected miss rate 37% PER13 ACC395 vs EVA270 (with talents) expected miss rate 30%
**charisma: 6 **
CHA is only luck, it's not needed unless you're trying to sneak in critical damage or are trying to get more out of melee damage. I normally go with 6.Ending notes: I commonly do STR10, DEX18, INT15, CON18, PER10, CHA6
The skills are limited to unarmed skills & light armor.
You can only have one stance skill, so we pick shadow dance. The other stance being Relentless style, what sadly can't be used.
-[Shadow Dance] - [DEX*2=Stealth Bonus] [Stealth/4 = DMG]You can only have one weapon modifier active, IE one touch skill. you can pick from
-[Shocking Touch] - [int *3 = Shock DMG]
-[Chilling Touch] - [int *3 = Ice DMG]
-[Paralyzing Touch] -and then a staple of attacking fast with unarmed
-[Frenzy] - attack speed is increased by CON%
With it's new changes of not being able to heal during use, you'll need to toggle this skill on and off for max damage outputs.So with the main skills out of the way let's talk about defense. How are we going to stop mobs from melting our face the moment we enter battle?
For that we look at Shield Block, Mage Armor, & a heal skill.
Shield block is a pretty strong all around defense skill. with High CON (we'll be aiming at 22con) you'll be blocking every 3.6 sec.
Mage Armor is mainly to bring the Magic Resistance up, it's a sorta wild card pick and only needed when you expect heavy magic dealing fights.Healing skills I go with
-[Minor Healing]
and/or [Second Wind]I rotate my last 2 skills out commonly
-[Bash] good for extra damage and a bit of a stun
-[Shadow Step] a gap closer and helps with getting out of CC, you need to be close to do damage after all.
-[Boon of Tenacity] or [Resolve] both are anti CC. Resolve helps with making you immune for a while.-[Absorb] is great for early game or if you for whatever reason have mana problems.
-[Relocate] is a good skill to use when you're just farming.And lastly not a skill but normally takes up a slot on my bar
~bandages of courseFor PvP it's better to become a mage interrupter using [Paralyzing Touch] -
[Paralyzing Touch] stuns a target for 0.20 of a sec. This might not seem like a lot, but it will nearly shutdown a mage from using any skills until they get away from you.Talents:
The main talents to pick up ASAP is [Meditate I], II and III. This will solve most mana problems. if you're spamming skills like [Bash] then that would be the only reason you will start to run out of mana.
Next work to picking up [Martial Artist].
[Martial artist] will add a lot of physical damage to your attacks, on your way there you have the choice of Brawler talents and Skirmisher talents. these two talents are useless and add no damage to unarmed skills. they only add damage to Melee weapons.
You'll need sustain/ life regen when solo, so it's best to pickup some HP regen.
Lastly you want to pick up [Robust I] and II for the extra CON (more attack speed).
Other node's I go for is [Master pugilist] for the 5% free bash, [Titan fighter] for 50% more critical damage, the other Dex Node + [furtive III] to get the extra stealth for pure damage.
An example of the talents I use while Solo
As group DPS I run less sustain hp and more DPS
LIGHT GEAR!!! There is so little you can pick but the best gear TO pick is ghoul. it's easy to farm and gives you stealth as a base boost. When you just start, it might be a little hard to get (and you also need access to tanning tubs....) so pick scholars. no need to go all out on it.
-Ghoul leather gear
-Wooden buckler
-Wolf Teeth Necklace or Bear Claws PendantEnchants:
Enchants are pretty easy to figure out
Necklace : CON + DEX + Stealth bonus
Armor : Stealth bonus
Shield : Stealth bonusEnding Notes: There's many holes in the build and room for improvement; such as ways you can up the DPS of the build; but the build was mainly for hunting legends or high armored foes. True Damage was always the goal. You could easily up the DPS with other unarmed magic skills or by being more of a grass cannon and upping physical damage + critical. Either way will reduce the amount of True damage you do. Thank you for reading my build and you're welcome to build off it.
Some videos of me pvping:
Lost 1 v 2 (maze vs prosti & Frajola) - https://i.gyazo.com/edf00084247923367cbf3f786020ff03.mp4 -
Unarmed does not gain damaged from Brawler talents (+4% melee damage)
Unarmed does not gain damaged from Brawler talents (+4% melee damage).
Tested with [Relentless style] active.
Also unarmed is not considered Light, so I don't think it gains damage from light weapon damage like skirmisher talents.
But just stating that incase it was meant to be light. -
RE: CON is way too overpowered for Warriors.
I had been saying this since the moment I saw the new armor had offered CON.
To many things that use CON are also REALLY good, and scale to greatly.
It's one of the reasons I had been useing block with my assassins' build lol. -
RE: Shouldn´t added damage to attacks be dps instead of dmg?
@asspirin That's the point of light weapons. they have much lower damage then heavy weapons.
[[Concussive strike]] is a skill that take the weapon damage into account and scales off it.
While [[Strike wounds]] or [[shadow dance]] add damage to quick attacks that are already very low in damage. -
RE: Week 147 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Indeed a big list! congrats everyone
RE: Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!
This fight between losing gear in PvP or PvE astounds me.
You are given many chances to not lose gear in PvE. Most people turn tail at the 2ed death to heal, and thats normally in a group of people.
if your solo, then you should know your limits and go back to the pub.
For PvP, you have a choose to what world you live on. Pick and be wise.
As for end game content of asroids. There is risk vs reward. if you wish to wonder into risky areas, forsee you might die and bring trash tier items you're willing to lose.
Planning is part of the game.
RE: shitty game
This wiki article might help you.
Helpful link here -
RE: Concussive Strike
@Mudz Having Concussive strikes use a category of weapon wont change much, to anything; The base of the problem is the pure damage, dot that can stack infinity and is bugged currently allowing pure dmg to just straight up ignore saving throws or blocks when it applys.
IE you block concussive strike with shield block. pure damage still applies.
Concussive Strike
Concussive Strike is a staple of the melee build. add that with new skills such as Relentless, it becomes insane.
It far out classes any of the Critical strikes builds and assassins' skills. Can be used with any weapon, so heavy weapons are an easy choose.Concussive Strike has much more DPS then any melee build to date. doing a whooping 150-250 DMG + 150-250 Pure damage.
The pure damage alone beats out any assassins' build. [shadow dance] alone needs 1000 stealth to do anywhere near the same pure damage.There is also a bug that seems to come with concussive strikes pure damage being unable to be avoided (test: ACC 90 vs 980Evasion)
And lastly each hit with concussive strike leaves a dot that stacks.
One, Concussive Strike dot should not be a thing. or if anything should only stack up to 3.
Two, the dot should be unique. If 2 people use concussive Strike on one target. the target does not take infinite amounts of damage from the dot. it should just be ticked from the single debuff. all hits add to that single debuff for a max of 3 ticks.
Tick meaning you take the damage each tick. 1 sec per tick for up to 3 secs.
Three, Concussive Strike should not be able to critical.
Four, Lower the pure damage. Are tanks meant to be the Pure damage class? with this single skill is currently makes them be it. -
You can't dodge someone who uses pure damage skills or touch spells.
Tested with 900 Evasion vs 90 Accuracy.
While no spells were activated. dodge was happen 3/4 hits.
While Only Shadow Dance was active on the attack vs 900 Evasion. No hits were dodges.
While Only Shocking Touch was active on the attack vs 900 Evasion. No hits were dodged.This one was not tested by me. I don't know the Accuracy the other player had.
While Using the skill Concussive Strike (what apply's true damage) attacks were not dodged after the first hit vs the 900 Evasion player. -
[possible bug?] Unarmed is slower then light weapons
As title says, Unarmed Attacks a lot slower then light weapons...what's weird
When using Shadowstep with other skills that add damage. none is added
Using Shadowstep makes you teleport behind a enemy and hits them with an attack.
Skills like Shadow Dance added Pure damage to attacks>
Shocking touch also adds damage to unarmed attacks.
Nether of these add damage when using Shadowstep. -
Shadow walk just randomly ends sometimes
Shadow walk just randomly ends sometimes.
Sometimes it last 1 minute sometimes 5.
I've afked and it lasted for maybe 10 mins.
Then another time I forgot my coffee in the kitchen, go to grab it come back and it's ended. might have been gone for atlest a min. -
RE: Suggested improvements from an addict
@BECKFAST said in Suggested improvements from an addict:
Other than the legendary NPCs which will come sometime this year, resource events such as meteor impacts, whereby large amounts of minerals are scattered around an area, but cannot be mined for a period whilst they cool down. This should increase the amount of combat between players, as they work to defend resources other than their own cities.This sounds familiar ...http://www.havenandhearth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=61933&hilit=Meteor
@BECKFAST said in Suggested improvements from an addict:
Further Character Development
I may be alone in this one, but having crafting experience separate from the rest of the knowledge system would provide a good amount of crafting depth. Having separate crafting levels: weapon smith, armor smith, leather working, tailoring, fletching, mage craft, alchemy, cooking, etc... which provide quality bonuses to the item crafted based on the level of the crafter. Albion did this right (from my perspective, it is one of the few things they did do right), and it only hurts to ignore the good things done by previous gamesSomething like this is planned, not sure how. just can say it's planned.
@BECKFAST said in Suggested improvements from an addict:
Your enchanting system is awesome, and I can't stress this enough. I would like to see some changes in formulas, like critical strike chance, which is the same as many other different enchantments.I like the enchanting system myself, but I feel like it needs to be improved. I go over that in this in my post https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/12224/enchanting-my-thoughts-hopes
@BECKFAST said in Suggested improvements from an addict:
An auto-run key, which toggles movement. This would prevent my hand from developing carpal tunnel when transporting goods across the world. Do this for our physical health, please.
That makes sense. I already use a macro to keep my key down.
@BECKFAST said in Suggested improvements from an addict:
Change the way hauling coal/charcoal/stone/metal/wood works. Allow us to place them in our inventory, but have them weigh a stupidly large amount. Then, allow the carts/wagons to store any type of item (also increasing their movement speed and resource cost), without a limit to weight cap; carts and wagons would only be limited to the inventory grid size. Such a nice quality of life change.
Agreed. this makes sense n the future too once someone might want to sell items in their own shop
RE: It's missing.....
A lot of things are missing, that's my only defense for the game. That will be repeated.
As for the current game play, a lot of the game is built on discovery, grinding and refinement.
This can get dull for people who've played thought it a few times as there's nothing more to discover for them.
Normally the next step is a challenge, what will becoming this week in the forms of legends.I feel that currently the citys need more, let them have more flavor objects.
They need playershops and gold sinks to flush out a semi basic economy.I don't think the average conquester type player will find this game fun for along time, namly because they do w/e once and hate doing it over and over again.
It would be better to flush out the game for merchant type players first. -
RE: Specter appreciation
I'm constantly asking Specter questions. I'm happy he's here.
I've worked as a Game Master in the past and I must say, he's one of the best I've ever seen.The man is non-stop helping everyone, actively taking part in the community and honestly makes the community a better place.
He likely does a lot more we're not aware of.
If he ever wants a pizza I'll order him one