@holya you misspelled "wanker" in the last sentence
sry ... bad joke
shouldnt be a dynamic proxy combined with a script to write a daily message in the daily message thread be enough?
mhhh but maybe this should be posted in the forum?
@holya you misspelled "wanker" in the last sentence
sry ... bad joke
shouldnt be a dynamic proxy combined with a script to write a daily message in the daily message thread be enough?
mhhh but maybe this should be posted in the forum?
@esher the translatorm is getting better, but it still has a looong way
Ich bin leider erst ab der Beta1 dabei
mehr als 50 ist leider nicht drin
@vengu still doing a great job dude
whats wrong with stabby mcstabber?
do you dislike boaty mcboatface as well???
when economics is playermade, how long will smiths name items like those and will still be able to sell something?
@prometheus said in Gamescom:
Damn I missed this thread. I'll be at Gamescom, and available to meet up with the Fractured community if I'm not in some business meeting
boom very nice
ok i know where ill visit for sure
@baumhauer nope
Alpha1 nur durch Kickstarter
ich bin möglicherweise in der Pre Alpha aber schon am start
@kralith said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:
German Translation
The (#) on some words are explained at the end.Forum texts:
- Stelle dich der Fractured Gemeinschaft(1) vor!
- Diskutiere über Fractured und lass uns deine Vorschläge und Ideen kennen lernen.
- Hast du eine Frage? Frage die Entwickler von Fractured und die Gemeinschaft(1)!
- Bewerbe deine zukünftige Gilde oder lasse die Welt wissen, dass du nach einer suchst.
AD1 Texts:
- Das Dynamische MMO
- Das erste Open-World-Sandbox-MMORPG mit Action Combat(2), interaktiven Umgebungen, ohne Grind, Spieler basierter Wirtschaft und Universumsbesiedlung. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
- Melde dich HEUTE an, um einen PRE-ALPHA KEY (3) zu gewinnen!
AD2 Texts:
- Das erste Sandbox MMO-ARPG, bei dem deine Rassenauswahl einen echten Einfluss auf dein Gameplay hat. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
- Menschen: Der totale freie Wille
- Tiermenschen: Leben in Harmonie
- Dämonen: Blut und Terror
AD3 Texts:
- Vergiss alte MMORPG-Klischees und betritt eine Welt, in der jeder Gegenstand von Spielern hergestellt wird. Nimm an der Revolution teil!
- Handwerker und Händler
- Bauern und Hirten
- Bergleute und Holzfäller
- Jäger und Sammler
AD4 Texts:
- Müde von MMOs, in denen der Spaß erst 80 Stunden nach Start des Spiels beginnt? Nimm an der Revolution teil!
- Begib dich direkt in die Aktion
- Auf Wiedersehen Grind, Willkommen Wissen!
- Jeden Tag ein neues Spielerlebnis
In general i still think i was translating too much, because some words we germans use english... Okay, maybe some words totally wrong, for example Handy for Mobile ... but i think here are more germans and can get some hints, what we better not translate, or they have maybe better Ideas not to let sound it too stiff.
Here some of my unsure translations:
(1) We also can use "Community" here, because we say this more often in gamer slang than the word "Gemeinschaft".
(2) I would not translate this, because there is no real uncomplicated german word for it and gamer know the meaning of Action Combat. Maybe we could say Action-Kampf, but that sounds silly. Maybe other germans have a better idea for.
(3) Also no translation needed i think.
very good translation mate
i would consider not to write "join the revolution"
it sounds really strange in german xD
maybe better "erlebe die Revolution" (its experience the revolution or feel the revolution)
the 3 points you dont translate will be fine
i wouldnt translate them as well
@Prometheus ad4 is way too long, in english as well as in german
especially the join the revolution thing
i know you want to show you do something completely different, but this seems ... old and already known
join the action
jump into late game in the first second
i dont know, but these saying just seems off
have a great day
sry for saying that, but in the last 8 months you wrote only in the daily message thread, beside 3 normal post. All those post were about getting alpha/pre-alpha keys
i understand that desire and i have it myself too
but dynamight studios are a little studio who depends on our contribution on kickstarter and now on the shop site
in the top 100 are many people who pledged over 500€, because they know DS need the help and they want this project getting a real thing
i dont think we would have rocked Kickstarter if DS would give everyone in the top 100 free alpha/beta
@muker dude ... why do you discredit "her" (not him :P)
@prometheus said in Community Call - Translation Help Needed!:
@muker oh, you edited the original post, I didn't notice. Thank you! 1000 points added!
A couple questions:
- Is the "Постухи" actually a shepherd - the generic word?
- Does "боевые действиями" mean "action combat" (the type of combat of ARPG games, like Diablo or Path of Exile)? Because I'm afraid it means "combat actions", which has a very different meaning
@Lohen @Kralith what's the big deal with "join the revolution"? Does it sound strange because it sounds real-life political?
mhhh very good question
"join the revolution" sounds like you need every single one to make something new and big
of course you need the playerbase but you DO the new
we want to take part on your journey
so feel or experience the revolution sounds like something is actually going to happen
it cant be stopped you know
Mata - süß wie immer
gute gemacht Kralith
mal wieder