- Ability for powerful spell casters to weave a mythal (like in Myth Drannor of Forgotten Realms) - would be very hard and take lots of resources but help protect against sieges
- Warehouses for storing mass amounts of food or other resources
- Bazaar where players can barter for goods (like the good old days of East Commonlands tunnel trading in EQ )
- back alleys and sewer system for unscrupulous people to sneak in
Best posts made by kellewic
RE: Player Run Cities and You
RE: [Planung&Koordinierung] Übersetzung Fractured Wiki
@RogueThorn Es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie getan, was erforderlich ist, um die Human-Seite mit "/ de" am Ende zu übersetzen und die Sprachkategorie hinzuzufügen.
Ich habe eine Frage an den Gamepedia-Moderator für das gebrochene Wiki, wie Vorlagen- und Modulausgabe wie die Ausgabe "race nav" behandelt werden.
Für den Moment können Sie wie gewohnt weiter übersetzen und sobald genügend Interesse gezeigt wird (und jemand, der ein bestimmtes Sprachen-Wiki verwalten möchte), erstellt Gamepedia die sprachspezifische Domäne (fractured-de) und diese Seiten werden verschoben dort von ihnen, was wahrscheinlich ist, warum sie sie alle in einer Kategorie wollen.
Nach dem, was ich auf anderen Wikis gesehen habe, gibt es eine sprachspezifische Wikidomäne. Die Seitennamen können in dieser Sprache sein (anstatt zu versuchen, das Zauberwort DISPLAYTITLE zu verwenden).
Ich werde mehr Informationen posten, sobald ich etwas über die Einzelheiten dieser Angelegenheit erfahren habe, oder wenn Sie es hören, lassen Sie mich wissen, mit was sie geantwortet haben.
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 37, 2019
Really nice. That treant is pretty sweet.
RE: Dungeons
I'm hoping for subterranean "dungeons" where I'm walking along and spot this cave... oh, what's that? Go in, twists and turns... oh damn, now I'm lost. Have to fight my way out.
Also some unique encounters on the asteroids. Maybe in my subterranean scenario there's a lost, secret portal that whisks me away to an asteroid with weird monsters and resources.
RE: [Planung&Koordinierung] Übersetzung Fractured Wiki
@roguethorn said in Übersetzungen MediaWiki:
@kellewic vielen Dank für die Infos wird gemacht.
PS: mich kann man ruhig duzen :3Ich habe gestern von Gamepedia gehört, und ich hatte den Verdacht, dass das neue Sprach-Wiki mit seinen eigenen Seiten, Vorlagen, Modulen usw. völlig vom aktuellen Wiki getrennt ist.
Wenn genügend Interesse besteht und Sie die meisten Seiten übersetzen lassen können (gemäß den Gamepedia-Richtlinien unter https://help.gamepedia.com/Translation_guidelines), erstellen sie die neue DE-Version des Wikis und können dann beliebig ändern , wie auch immer du willst. Gamepedia möchte im Allgemeinen 90% der übersetzten Seiten sehen (insbesondere die Hauptseite und alle Links), bevor sie die Erstellung der DE-Subdomain in Betracht ziehen.
Sobald die Unterdomäne erstellt wurde, kann ich bei Vorlagen- oder Modulproblemen nach Bedarf helfen. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie auch weiterhin neue Vorlagen oder Module koordinieren.
Ich habe auch nach der Übersetzungserweiterung gefragt (nachdem ich sie gelesen habe) und alle, mit denen ich gesprochen habe, sollten sie nicht verwenden, da sie nur ein Durcheinander verursacht.
Wie Sie sehen, haben Sie die Mensch-Seite zu ihrem deutschen Wort verschoben, sodass Sie sie zurückschieben möchten (oder die Bearbeitung rückgängig machen möchten). Andernfalls wird sie nicht in der endgültigen Verschiebung in die DE-Unterdomäne erfasst. Sie sagten, dass es sowohl das CURRENT_NAME / de als auch das Category-Tagging benötigt, um verschoben zu werden. Das bedeutet auch, sobald Sie die Sprach-Subdomain haben, müssen Sie sie alle zu ihren deutschen Namen verschieben. Irgendwie ein Schmerz, aber das ist ihr Prozess.
Entschuldigen Sie jede seltsame Übersetzung, da dies alles von Google übersetzt wird
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 46, 2019
All looks good. Can't wait to see it in game!
How often will eclipses happen?
Spotlight #2 mentions eclipses, time cycles, and planetary information but not how often eclipses might occur. It does say they will last a few hours and that Tartaros is smaller than Syndesia which leads me to believe they are based on lunar eclipses.
These happen, on average, roughly 2 times a year (ones detectable with the naked eye anyway). One year game time is one month real time so does this mean in-game eclipses might happen once every 2 weeks or so?
Or are they based on something completely different?
RE: What We Know About Weapons
I hope "unarmed" doesn't literally mean "no weapon" - seems something like spiked gloves should still qualify - thinking leather with spikes on outside so grappling is still available. Razor/spiked boots for kicking.
RE: GvG siege questions
@gothix said in GvG siege questions:
@Jetah iirc The Secret World worked that way. They had several servers around the world function as connection spots, but players played together.
I really kind of miss my leech healer in Secret World.
RE: What We Know About Weapons
@finland said in What We Know About Weapons:
@kellewic A real mage should be able to cast spell without using weapons. Like a monk should be able to punch and kick without weapons.
Of course they should, but adding a few subtle "unarmed" enhancing items would be fun. It shouldn't take a lot of extra skill to kick someone with a spiked boot or leather gloves with small spikes on them? A martial artist can still make unarmed strikes with spiked gloves - just enhanced a little by the gloves. Kicking with a foot is still kicking whether I have a bare foot or steel toe boots.
RE: about flag
@finland said in about flag:
@kellewic said in about flag:
@finland said in about flag:
@kellewic said in about flag:
@finland said in about flag:
@nelchael said in about flag:
If you attack someone, you're flagged as Aggressive.
If you steal from someone, you're flagged as a Thief.
If you kill someone, you're flagged as a Murderer.You are missing the fact that in the game there will be just one flag. That flag is called Aggressive. Thief status means that Aggressive flag will last more (24h). Murderer status means that Aggressive falg last more (48h).
That's not what the Spotlight says
The Aggressive flag lasts for a few minutes only, but some particularly despicable actions like stealing or executing a player may add additional conditions (such the aforementioned Thief and Murderer flags) that last for a much longer time.
and those "additional conditions" are restriction of alignment choice.
- Thief. You get this when stealing from a Good or Neutral player. It lasts for 24 real-world hours, and prevents you from choosing a Good Alignment.
- Murderer. You get this when executing a Good or Neutral player. It lasts for 48 real-world hours, and forces you to pick an Evil alignment.
Isn't that what I just posted? Thief and Murderer are completely different flags from Aggressive that restrict what alignments you may choose.
quote again from the spotlight:
The Aggressive flag lasts for a few minutes only, but some particularly despicable actions like stealing or executing a player may add additional conditions (such the aforementioned Thief and Murderer flags) that last for a much longer time.
Let's break that down:
The Aggressive flag lasts for a few minutes only
but some particularly despicable actions like stealing or executing a player may add additional conditions
(such the aforementioned Thief and Murderer flags) that last for a much longer time
3 flags
Aggressive lasts for a few mins
Thief from stealing lasts 24h and you can't choose Good alignment
Murderer from killing lasts 48h and you can only be EvilThief and Murderer are not extensions of Aggressive
If I knock someone out I'm Aggressive (let's say it lasts 5 minutes). I then steal from them, I'm also a Thief (24h) and let's say I'm Neutral.
If you come along 6 minutes later (after my Aggressive flag expires) and attack me, you are the aggressor because I'm Neutral and no longer flagged as Aggressive.
Even if stealing flags me as Aggressive, that flag does not last 24h - the Thief flag does.
Since Murderer limits my alignment to Evil, it's the same as being Aggressive for 48h but I'm not flagged as Aggressive, I'm flagged as Murderer and the result of that flag is a limitation of alignment choice.
RE: I want to get excited but...
Since gear and skills have been described as situational, my guess is even a player who has played longer/has more knowledge can still be caught at a disadvantage. If I'm sneaking around on my assassin based character ready to jump someone with my poison blade and that person happens to have some high resist to that, that might not be good for me and my ambush.
Just an example since we don't really know the skills or gear types/bonuses might exist.
Also since there are no set classes, it's always going to be a risk attacking another player since you'll likely not know what their set up for skills/gear is at that time.
RE: Are there skill points?
@unreal1985 said in Are there skill points?:
Are there going to be skill points in the game?
And if so is there going to be a max skillpount cap?There are Knowledge Points you earn by playing (exploring, fighting, etc.) and those are used to gain Talent Points which are used to get your abilities.
This Spotlight breaks it down: https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-3-knowledge-system/
RE: Dungeons
I kind of miss the open world bosses and pre-instance dungeons. I honestly don't recall a ton of issues with those (but this was back in early EQ days). I mean, yeah, some disagreements but overall nothing too bad.
RE: Roles
@XenonTheAntiquarian There are no defined roles per se since any character can mix and match between the schools (https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-4-skills-galore/)
Also, check this forum post - https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1612/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured/2?page=1 - 7A. Character building
Lots more info.
RE: Hand Holding
@mrchipps said in Hand Holding:
I don't necessarily mind if the beginning of the game is easy. But if it gets to the point where I don't feel connected with the world or I can just watch netflix while playing I wont be invested enough to just play to play. I just hate getting to the end of a game like an MMO only to find you don't have to go to the world for anything.
Many games these days are doing that where you don't ever need to go into the world for anything and just teleport every which way which makes the world feel insignificant. You should want to feel like the world is alive
This right here. Devs spend many many man hours developing awesome worlds and then allow players to just teleport through them. I mean, yes, running around is kind of a pain but it will cause players to interact. A scene if you will...
I'm walking up a trail and spot another player. Will they attack me? Who are they? Maybe I should hide? Should I attack them? Is it a decoy with friends waiting to ambush me?
So many questions on such a simple encounter with another player.
Or walking up the same trail and see another player surrounded by goblins getting beat down. Oh damn, let me help this person. Goblins are killed and other person is grateful - a friend is made. They invite me back to their guildhall where all night festivities are going on.
RE: Subraces
See these
https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-5-character-creation-attributes-resting/#3 here - https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1612/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured
RE: An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?
@finland said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:
@nelchael said in An MMO Free of Levels and Classes?:
Finland: A demonic warrior of justice, running around naked on Tartaros, killing evil-doers to earn angel wings.
I'd watch that movie.
Sounds like a porn movie
I think I saw that one
RE: New Character stat calculator?
Based on my understanding of the attributes and their costs:
Humans can go all 10s and 3 attributes to 18
Other races can go all 10s, 1 attribute to 11, 1 attribute to 20 (affinity), and one to 19as kind of a min/max when looking at schools. Not saying this is optimal since I don't know.
Highest natural score is 20 - the attribute cost table goes to 21, but as I understand it, you can't actually get to 21 by spending points - and at the natural 20 mark there is some unique bonus that we don't know.
We also still don't know what bonuses attributes will confer, but based on various threads my guess is something like a normal D&D attribute bonus table where at 10/11 equals 0 then +1 for every 2 points - it's been said many times to get all attributes to at least 10 (guessing there are penalties otherwise).
A calculator at this point would only allow you to see a distribution of points across attributes, but have no idea what it means except that having whatever school's defining attributes high is likely a good thing (but we don't know what "high enough" is yet beyond "get them all to 10").
RE: Pre-Kickstarter Exclusives
@finland said in Pre-Kickstarter Exclusives:
They have to think about it if I rember well from the Q&A. Personally I would like to see The foundation exclusive. And new rewards from kickstarter.
Even though I'm like 11 months late to the party, I agree. It's easy to buy into the Kickstarter, but those who have been here for many months kind of deserve the Foundation rewards. I'm trying like hell to make the top 100 just because that's my competitive side But I can easily buy into the Kickstarter, which I think is a bit unfair to those who have "put in the work".