@Gaelinon said in Very New To The Game:
Also how do I use chat? I see it scrolling but there doesn't seem to be anywhere topost a question or join chat.
I think the editbox is triggered when pressing ENTER key.
@Gaelinon said in Very New To The Game:
Also how do I use chat? I see it scrolling but there doesn't seem to be anywhere topost a question or join chat.
I think the editbox is triggered when pressing ENTER key.
@shadowkiin said in Importance of Player community:
I hope the community is helpful to new comers or even veterans that are stuck on certain quests etc.
Nothing worse then joining a game and its full of elitests that ignore newbies and don't offer any advice.
In the time I've been here, I think everyone has been helpful to anyone asking good questions. However, after the 100th "when is the game releasing" or "how can I get an alpha key" kind of questions, you tend to get the RTFM responses.
@Tisi said in Intelligence - What is the bonus?:
I got a quick question regarding the intelligence attribute bonus:
In Feature Spotligh #5 it says the following: "Reaching an Intelligence score of 20 gives the character a significant boost to Mana regeneration."
However on the wiki the bonus for reaching at least 20 intelligence is listed as affecting willpower, not mana regeneration.Is the wiki wrong there or was it changed since the spotlight came out?
edit: same thing with Constitution and life regen from the looks of it. According to the wiki Constitution grants its bonus towards fortitude...
The wiki is correct.
This ties into one item I've been wondering about is how intricate gathering will be in game. Take this example of animals - will I need to carry a skinning knife to skin them? What about a butchering knife to collect meat? Can I skin and butcher the same animal (you would think so)?
One thing I like about requiring special tools to collect various resources is it makes a player decide what's worth carrying since bag space is finite. You can also synergize this with crafting so maybe there's a special multi-tool that is both a skinning and butchering knife so now it only takes up one slot in my bags or for mining/wood a double axe/pick head multi-tool only obtainable from crafting.
I think it would be cool for the game to take into account not only the size of the animal (rabbit vs a deer) but also the animal's age since this could give me various qualities of meat and skins. Not sure if there will be knowledge levels for gathering (novice, journeyman, master, etc.) but that could also be taken into account for quantity/quality.
@Zori said in Race cohabitation in player cities?:
@kellewic said in Race cohabitation in player cities?:
@Zori said in Race cohabitation in player cities?:
No, not unless it's one of those "Angel - Beast-Kin" or "Demon - Abomination" thing.
You can't live in other planets, only visit them so by that logic, you wouldn't be able to cohabit with other races.
However you did raised a pretty good point as there are things called "Asteroids" in which sort of acts like another planet that players can visit. If these mechanics are open to all races, then it would be interesting how it'll pan out for house/base building as claiming a plot would be possible in Asteroids.
You can have one house per planet per account depending on your alignment. It stands to reason there would be multi-race cities.
If you start as a Beastman (or Demon) and change your alignment to Neutral (on your way to Abomination/Angel), the only possible place you can live is Syndesia. Evil humans (or any evil character like Abomination) can live on Tartaros. Angels are a bit weird in that it was never decided if they can live on Arboreus, but they can live on Syndesia.
Per account or per character? cause from my understanding if you're not native to a certain planet, you cant stay long in it. I don't see how a non-x race would be able to cohab with another race if they cant live in the same planet?
Last I saw it was per account per planet.
The ability to stay on a planet is alignment-based, not race-based since karma can change.
A Beastman on Syndesia can change their alignment to be Neutral which allows them to commit criminal actions, but if they lower karma too much they can't change it back to Good and will not be able to go back to Arboreus (i.e. on the way to being an Abomination).
For Demons it's a bit harder to get to Neutral, but the same applies.
Arboreus is the more complicated planet in that even Good-aligned, non-Beastmen players cannot stay permanently. There was some discussion a while back about allowing Angels to live there permanently.
@WhoAteTheCat yeah, that's why I mentioned the age since I remember from the first video it being mentioned - haven't seen anything about age vs harvesting though
@Jetah agree; was thinking more "good" meat vs "bad" meat - so just quality which could affect the end result of what it's used in. So a "meat pie" that usually gives +10 whatever might only give +5 when using "bad" meat. Although, I wonder if it will just be meat regardless of animal, or deer meat, wolf meat, rabbit meat, etc.
@Blectorn In the May 3rd Q&A, Prometheus stated the defenders will be given time slots. Also note the times/days may change as he also mentions that.
So say the defenders have 24 hours to choose a time slot during the day, during which they want the siege to happen. So let's say that you have a one time slot that is good for the EU, one for the US, and one for for Asia, for China, Japan. And the defenders have the possibility to choose the one they prefer and then three days after the actual siege starts
@drawrin The summer here in Phoenix, AZ is hibernation season
When a character dies, everything is dropped
@Brocki I remember carrying 100+ lbs of gear when I was Army infantry and it definitely affects mobility
I remember weight being a factor in game so this might be where various armors/weapons/etc can affect movement speed.
The video did remind me of something from Spotlight #3 that there are resistances for slash, pierce, and crush as well. So plate armor might be quite resistant to slashing weapons, but not as much for piercing and crushing.
@brocki well, light infantry carries all their gear wherever they go and I not only had to carry my gear and 3 days of food, but some armorer tools (for fixing weapons in the field) and the radio with extra batteries for the CO.
This was back in the 90s, but I don't think it's changed much. If anything, troops have more stuff to carry with all the new tech gadgets out. I doubt gear/weapons have become lighter.
It's probably not uncommon for ground troops to carry 80 to 100 lbs. Normal large ruck is probably 40-50 lbs with gear/food, worn gear maybe another 20 lbs, weapon (depending on type) 10 to 30 lbs (M16A2 vs. M-60) with ammo.
That was back when I was 17-24 - would hurt too much now with all that walking and carrying stuff
Building on the guild-level organization @Gothix mentioned, one reason would be to make alts of different races for the sole purpose to oust governors of free towns and gather resources from the other planets and hand them off as necessary to the guild or to join other guilds as spies.
Will a guild town turn into a Hamlet after losing enough prestige and thus oust the current Governor? If so, wouldn't that "disconnect" the town (now a hamlet) from the guild so they would have to start over to claim it?
Can we build roads between towns (if so how does it work with the neutral areas)? And will doing so help the prestige of the towns? Will commerce between towns help prestige of them?
What sort of activities make citizens "eligible" to vote and/or be a candidate?
@therippyone @Agracore You can bump 4 abilities to 18 with a human, but the other 2 will be at 6 which from what has been said will suffer penalties. Attribute == 10 has been suggested for all of them (likely due there being no bonus or penalty at that level). So far, I've envisioned any penalty/bonuses to attributes much like the standard D&D attribute modifier table where 10-11 is zero, 12-13 is +1, etc, but I don't recall any information on those set in stone anywhere.
The abilities are used for more than combat, although I don't know the full extent. Like STR dictates weight carrying capacity and CHA for NPC interactions.
Magic users being more OP may or may not be the case. I can't find anywhere solid that says mana drives all skills. Is this for certain or something we guess to be the case? I remember Prometheus posting that stamina drives some primal skills so might it not drive fighting skills? Stamina is likely derived from strength and constitution.
As far as learning/memorizing abilities, we don't know how much INT is enough and 10 might be the plateau of this extra ability to learn/memorize.
@thudaron said in A set of questions and suggestions/proposals.:
For the questions:
- All weapons/skills can be used/acquired by anyone, regardless of race. I don't think we know what weapons there will be exactly(few were shown in the video about skills, but I don't remember which ones), but we can guess that axes, swords, maces and generally the basic ones will be there.
I thought I remember @Prometheus saying some weapons have attribute limitations like Two-handed sword would require a certain amount of Strength.
- I'm not sure about that one.
As far as I know there are no game mechanics (yet) regarding escorting - would be an agreement between players and yes that leaves open the possibility of getting betrayed on both sides (non-payment, escorts stealing, etc.)
- We know about tailoring, alchemy, pottery and fishing(if we hit the kickstarter goal).
I don't think this has been exactly determined - I thought there was a list somewhere in an old post of either planned or suggested items - it might have been in the live stream -
Seems like it would be a good opportunity to add a tradeskill around it to make nets (as @jetah mentioned), lures, poles, line, etc. Maybe we can get our own version of Bait Masterson to start the journey of learning how to fish
I think it would take too much away of what makes Fractured, which is highly dependent on travel and player interactions.
If someone find something valuable on Syndesia and doesn't want to travel, I have no doubt there will be people who buy things local and transport to other towns/worlds for trade. Granted, the local seller will likely be selling for 1/3rd the going rate, but that's the price they pay for not wanting to take the risks.
Some enterprising groups might create the equivalent of UPS/FedEx you can hire to send stuff (for a price of course) - I find that far more interesting than a mail system that removes all risk.
@kniknack That's not at all what they mean; from Spotlight #5 - Memorized vs in-hotbar abilities
the amount of abilities you can memorize during a resting phase is not fixed. This means their number can be greater than what fits the ability hotbar at the bottom of your screen! How are you able to use them all in combat then?
Well, you canโt โ not at the same time at least, since spells in your hotbar are the only ones you can actually cast. At any time when out of combat, however, you can take an ability out of the hotbar and replace it with a memorized one of your choice.
Just above that in the Resting section:
... choose the spells and abilities you want to memorize for your next adventure. The amount of memorized abilities is not fixed, but is positively influenced by the Intelligence of your character.
So it seems the SpellBook part is already planned but is limited to however many slots you get based on character Intelligence and not any spell you know.