@Gothix said in Fog of War:
Cartography as profession would only make sense if we would never be able to see the "map of territories" when we press M button UNLESS we charted out areas we visited ourselves, or bought a map from someone else who has that profession and has charted it.
it'd be blank when you open the map. you'd have to wander around a little to get a sense of where you are. it would make invasions much harder too because you'd appear and have no idea where you were. now if you stole a map from someone (just making a copy) then you'd have more information to invade with.
However, I reckon there would be a blow back from the "mainstream" part of the community who wouldn't like not being able to see the map at all without significant time / money investment.
i'm open to both. it'd be neat to have a profession that creates maps and way points, point of interest, etc. it can be used as a way to show others intentions, like how to get to a mine or where a city is to invade. (basically it could be a notepad in game but with annotations on a map).
it's kind of ironic that a year+ ago i wanted it fog but now not so much. at least on the planet i start on. having invaders with fog would be neat.