Daily message
Posts made by Grapher
RE: how to help with Carona
To add to that, if anyone feels like folding a LOT, not just for corona virus (the project IDs are 117xx) then you may consider signing up with EVGA https://www.evga.com/folding/guides.asp and follow the guide to get the folding points. You can get 5-10 EVGA bucks per month (you need more than 10/30 million points though) but depending on your graphics card and how many hours you fold per day you may or may not be able to achieve that monthly mark.
You can think of EVGA bucks as a bonus for contributing to the society.
RE: Week 111 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Oh wow I actually won, thanks and congratulations to the 9 other lucky winners.
RE: Fractured Store & Foundation Updates
I honestly didn't expect a bank let alone a tutorial this soon but I guess that's totally fine since you can make more iterations during this period. The bank will most likely enable one to just farm and not worry about housing, but it does depend on the limitations (weight, number of items, option to upgrade your bank space, etc.)
RE: Extra races on Syndesia
Didn't really see anything on races besides what is on the wiki, which may or may not be accurate but according to it there are 3 demon, 4 beastman and human race.
They could go the standard route and introduce orcs, elves, goblins. The human "lore" describes them as having great technological advancement, creating artifacts and enhancing their bodies - some kind of robot esque race could be made if it fits their world but I don't want to see androids or cyborgs since that's not unique enoguh imo.
Based on the creature types that were in game (as far as I saw anyway) they could still do spider, wisp & treant inspired race.
RE: Daily Message posting
I'm announcing that there will be a very importantant announcement of an announcement down the road, just wait for it
RE: Best mmo features
In WoW TBC, crafting actually mattered and you could easily do the hardest content at the time with crafted gear which gave me a sense of achievement when I finally made the whole set
Resistance gear required for certain fights
Boss fights that have to be tanked by a non tank (warlock tanking a boss in wow raid for example, that was a fun experience)
Looting items that you can actually use, it's a bonus if they shine
I liked dyeing my armour in Guild Wrs 1/2 (props to any game that allows multiple dyes on one piece of gear)
Unlocking skills in Guild Wars 1 (obtaining elite skills from elite mobs, you had to use 1 less active skill when killing the mob in order to get it)
Multiple class combinations (GW1/2, Rift) which means a LOT of skill combinations
Skill damage/behaviour different in PvP/PvE (Guild Wars 1/2)
Unique world bosses spawning (WoW, GW2, Rift)
Being able to change the look of gear (wardrobe/transmog/whatever else other games call this)
I did play other mmo's but none really made as big of an impression on me as Guild Wars 1 did. It has a lot of great things that all mmo's should copy and improve upon and I think Fractured has some of the bases covered although I don't find it very intuitive that we have to grind 20+ monsters to unlock skills - I feel there should be a bit more of an adventure obtaining skills that doesn't involve grinding.
RE: Honest thoughts on stress test.
I found enchanting to be ok, though at the start it was just memorisation since the symbols didn't say what they represent, now that is much easier but could still be improved upon by actually higlighting the items in your backpack or something. Things would still get a bit more complicated when you try to make one specific enchant and with certain reagents you can overlap and get multiple possible enchants. Increased damage is for melee only or the text is incorrect and I couldn't put 7 enchants on Spider Silk robe (didn't try other chest pieces that don't have any inherent "enchants").
I don't like it if you have to rely on 3rd party resources (websites or apps) because that just takes you out of the game, and if that happens it means that the game is doing a poor job explaining/presenting its elements to the player.
As for the bow:
I did miss skills and it was just autoattack 99% of the time because most of the mobs are immune or have had high poison resistance. Stacking arrows, I don't really see why this needs to be limited to just 1000 considering I used more than 200 arrows for solo killing a lich spider. And I would just rather spend more time killing than gathering stuff every 5-10 minutes - just imagine how inconvenient it will be if they ever make dungeons/world bosses and you run out of arrows, afterall they do have some weight and not everyone will put points into strength to increase carrying capacity. Granted I did get around this by using a bug to get arrows faster - you needed 1 full stack of teeth & branches, and then it was enough to just get 1 tooth & 1 branch to make 1 stack of arrows and still be left with 1 full stack of teeth & branches. -
RE: Tanning tub timer?
I don't really think boots make any difference, just rush to get mage armor. At least in this test it gave more defense than the craftable armor. And if using mage armor, which as a mage I'm sure you do, the only thing your equipment provides is extra evasion (spider silk set) and enchanting slots.
As for the leather issue, I totally could see the timer go down, after all we can build a house how fast?
Like the only thing in the current state that makes sense as to why the timer was so long was perhaps because of the storage chest that you could put outside of the house (the one that needed leather) and they probably wanted to avoid giving storage to everyone as soon as they find free land.
RE: What does "armor" mean?
I agree that Mage Armor is too strong, however I don't know what else the devs have planned for the game so we can't really compare it to the (starting) items we can currently craft. If those are end game items though then Mage armour is mandatory and anyone not using it is gimping themselves.
The spider silk scholar set is also strong as it gives evasion whereas the leather items give 8% resistance to ice or magic which is nothing considering you get all resistances much higher just by using the Mage Armor skill (So 260 to all physical resistances and 23% to all types of spell resistances @ 18 INT).
One thing to note though is that if using Mage Armor you don't get the items inherent Slash/Pierce/Armor stats. Which as said before is not a downside since spider scholar set gives evasion and more importantly you have space to enchant with something else than resistances like cooldown & crit.
Alpha 2 - Test 2 (megathread)
It's not a megathread but it can be, just post your observations in concise manner so the devs can go through it effectively.
I didn't see anything specific being asked to test this time around so I'll just say that the servers are always up (started testing on thursday).
0. Login
- Have the option to remember password or automatic login
1. Menu
- There need to be general setting in the menu
- Sound is way TOO LOUD, I have to set it to 1/100 in windows mixer
- Positioning of the close and mute button is not user friendly
2. Character creation
- Character creation could be more diverse but that is minor for me
- Having difficulty besides the class (background) doesn't make sense to me, at least for " Stree rat" I didn't find it hard.
- It would help if the abilities that a class starts with would be shown what they actually do
- Choosing a starting point is uninspiring
- Getting thrown in with no simple tutorial on how to navigate the UI is daunting
3. UI
- needs to have the background on by default
- allow players to hide/show it
- allow muting/reporting players
- allow creation of own channels
- allow leaving/joining channels (such as the global one)
- when you move the chat scrollbar make it stay where it is and not jump back to the end when someone types something new
- item linking
Skill bar
- allow for key customisation
- add more slots so we can use food and stuff
- don't know why the "memorised" skill bar has 2 rows for skills if we can only use 1 row of skills and items
Bottom right menu
Character menu
- Stats need to explain what they do and how they impact your character
- I don't need to see my ID under my character name
- It's pretty basic
- Needs an option to be expanded because there are already too many reagents and items to loot and there aren't even weapons/armors in the loot yet
Inventory crafting
- Basic like the inventory
- Search font color needs to be changed so it's visible
- Items should show their stats before being crafted
- When crafting armour it's not explained that you can choose which materials (ingredients) you want to use
- Crafting multiple stuff at once is a must, same goes for cooking
Blueprint selection
- For campfire it should be pointed out in tutorial that this is your saving grace when it comes to HP/Life/Stamina or w/e you call the red bar.
- Don't know what the plan is but only enchanting table is unsuable to others and possible Tanning Tub (Tanning Tub I'd understand but not the Enchanting Table)
- The rustic 3x3 needs to provide information what you'll need at each step
- I didn't bother with decorations since I like useful stuff
- Containers:
- The tutorial should show you that you need the handcart
- Despite all the chests having same description you can place the leather one outside of the house
- Would be awesome if rightclicking on items would transfer them from your inventory to the container and vice versa (dragging is tedious)
Book of knowledge
- It's all in my face (too big) I can easily see from 3m away what's in the tables
- The scroll bar acts funky
- We can either use mouse to click and drag on the white image or on the scroll bar, but their direction is reveresed
Skills and abilities
- It's also too big
- There is no explanation what KP is
- Under presets it says what the memory cost is, unless that plays some important part it's not necessary information since the preset has already been made and renamed.
- The settings need more options
Player bar
- Confusing why we need a total of 5 resources (energy, hunger, endurance, life, mana)
- I still have no idea what the energy is for, never dropped to 0 to find out same with hunger
- The top one is too big
- Allow the players to disable/enable the bars and reposition them (lock/unlock)
Mini map & Map
- Should show real time
- Don't know if °C are necessary or just fluff
- Would be nice if minimap could zoom out more so don't have to open the big map all the time
- Coordinates have to be on the big map wheere you are & where your mouse cursor is
- Allow for adding of waypoints
- Screen tearing
- Colours seem washed out
- Some plants are hard to distinguish from the background
4. Housing claim & Building
- Claims can be a PITA to find and once you do you figure out that you're on your own in the middle of nowhere since there are hardly any players/monsters there
- Some appear as claimable on the minimap bur there is nothing to claim
- Cart is stuck in the foundation if you have it inside when completing the stone part of the foundation (when you build the house you can use it again)
- Clicking on the parts that need to be build by adding logs/stone is clunky (sometimes it responds and most of the times it needs to be clicked twice)
- Moving stuff from the cart 1 by 1 is tedious
- Others can place their cart infront of your house entrance and you're screwed (no in/out)
- Monsters don't know they're walking through walls/fence
5. Monsters
- Didn't fight all of them but Pink spider, Big tree seem like world bosses
- Wisp seems broken with it's snare and heal, at least I gave up as a melee char and went on my way
- Mini trees and spiderlings have no loot
- Some if not all mobs have too much HP for these starter weapons and it may give the wrong impression
6. Combat
- When using a bow arrows fly in all directions even when clicking on enemies, this seems like it's because of the terrain as even like "10cm" height difference makes you fire way off target
- Melee sees a lot of dodges
- It doesn't feel smooth
- Kiting doesn't seem like a good option because animations take time to resolve, combined with the bow combat you get some spectacular missfires
- I was spamming bandages expecting to heal myself, but I healed the green bar (endurance). I got curious what happen if you run out of endurance, you get knocked out, monsters leave you alone and you get back on your feet in 20 seconds. No explanaition of that is given before it happens to you. I haven't died so I don't know what the respawn proces is like
7. Skills
- Cobweb, it's too damn big and intrusive. Also casting it and moving puts the skill on cooldown without casting it, in that case it should either not have a cooldown or a 5s one at most.
- Spells tell you that you need light armour only after you equip them and try to use them (should be mentioned on the skill itself like the poison one - that can only be used by bladed and bows)
- Currently Mage Armour seems like a skill everyone should have as with just 15INT and scholar set (no boots) you have 250 to all physical defenses and 20% to all resistances
- I liked how we learn skills from monsters, but it's just a tiny bit frustrating that it's rng as you can learn a skill on the first or the last kill needed for the quest completion
8. Enchanting
- Needs to be more intuitively presented what is what, I didn't like decoding what each symbol means (This was fixed with one of the recent patches)
- if you make multiple possible enchants it applies only one
- Magic affinity on item doesn't say that it means how many times you can enchant an item
- Stacking/Splitting items needs to be implemented, don't know which reagent other than Dandelion is "Chaos" so you probably need 2 stacks of those to make any of the enchants that need the Chaos property
- Too many different reagents
9. Getting around
- Mounts or other fast way to travel needs to be implemented asap as it takes too long to get around
- Went to Valey of shadow, walked along the left side of it, stumbled on a Pink and Yellow spiders together so I had to move along as they were too strong. Got all the way to the top left and it was a dead end - some terrain should be passable so we don't have to backtrack for 20-30minutes
- Places are barren, went from middle of Myr to SE, E, NE, N, NW and ended at goblin hills - saw hardly any monsters and wasn't motivated to fight the usual spiders/wolves
10. Misc
- Some skills rely on attributes so it would be nice if there was an option to respec them
- Night/day cycle makes it hard on the eyes
For the short time that I've shot with bow it seems OP, it's fast attacking and it crit for 240 damage! which makes my 1h axe look pretty weak with all the dodges I got and I had all my gear enchanted for extra accuracy (the bow was unenchanted)- I have now made a bow character, it's damage is simply nuts with no skills for 1v1, I've crit over 400 damage! with my necklace and bow enchanted for crit damage
- Dying of hunger (30-60 damage/s seems like less damage the less life you have), for science, I got respawned inside of one of the stone foundation pillars of my house and had to relog. Now my house was close to white plains so I didn't feel like going anywhere after that. I don't know where I'd respawn if I didn't have a house.
- I couldn't take a bite of food when at 60life even though I was taking 30 dmg/s at that point (I wanted to see what happens when I have no energy)
- The basic social aspect of the game is missing (party, trade, etc.)
- Putting a weaker version of poison should not remove the stronger stack versions
- In enchanting "Damage increase" should say it's for melee only or not be allowed to be put on bows, unless it's for both ranged and melee then the text has to reflect that
- Players should be able to enable/disable to click on interactable objects during combat, just like we can't interact with them if we ar epoisined etc. and can only do it 5 seconds after the debuff wears off
- Some enemies are overtuned, Wisps especially come to mind with a snare that prevents you from doing anything, immunity to magic and poison, blinking away and healing all on fairly low coldown. I tried with my fully enchanted bow character and I couldn't do enough damage, then I tried the melee skill that silences but it didn't do any good as the Wisp still constantly teleported away.
- Speaking of overtuning, with the starter weapons enemies defenses need to be looked at, I'd say they're fine for the Treant and Lich Spider but lower "level" enemies should be looked at unless we're supposed to hit like wet noodles and fight basic monsters anywhere between 1-infinity minutes, because constant healing is a thing.
11. BUGS
- Creating a character with a name that doesn't meet standards (not correct characters or too long name) allows you to go to the selecting of character start location but you can't enter. When going BACK you are given the error message and pressing OKAY doesn't do anything so you can only Alt+F4.
- Using "Net Trap" skill mobs become stuck when the skill ends. When trappers use the skill on us it can happen that when we attack with our bow the attack animation plays but no arrows come flying out and we deal no damage.
- Various windows sometimes close on their own (mostly loot window though)
- When closing windows in a certain way the item tooltips of the window closed (inventory, character) get displayed aroudn the screen until you open and close the window properly
- Item stacks don't work properly. I was carrying 1 stack of branches and bones so I could then just pick 1 branch and 1 bone, make 1 stack of arrows and still keep a whole stack of branches and bones. it sped my progress by just a little bit.
- I could only put 6 enchants on "Spidersilk Scholar robe", the affinity was at 1/7 but the chat errors said:
- That the item is already enchanted with all the properties that a given set of reagents could provide, which isn't true as I made a combination of 4 resistances and I could only apply 3 out of 4
- Then it said enchanting failed
- And lastly that the item can't be enchanted anymore
Edit: I've added some more stuff that I found while playing an archer.
Final words. I've now put enough time into testing and writing this feedback. I got to see enough of the things that the game currently has to offer and based on the envisioned plans for the game it still has ways to go, so I will probably give it another shot when most of the thing are adressed and new stuff added.