Good day to all Sirs and Mademoiselles
Posts made by Grapher
RE: Whats in the future graphically.
The least that I expect when it comes to graphics, the last time I tried it was in February so it might have changed since then, is that the colours aren't so flat. Everything felt the same and bland to look at. Just look at the ember sword image linked on the first page, everything is neat to look at. This could be an issue with the ground texture in Fractured since it's more realistic.
Since the art style is realistic I don't expect any eye candy except when it comes to spells and maybe shiny weapon enchanting.
RE: How to implement fast travelling?
Want a teleport? I don't know if mages have that ability in fractured, since I'm not updated, but they could use something with a downside.
Think of goblin engineering in world of warcraft - there is an item that teleports you somewhere but it has a chance to fail aka 'fizzle', that mean you can be teleported to a totally different place, under water or way up in the air (potentially deadly to fall damage).
What they could do in fractured is to teleport up to 1km or something (forgot how big the land is), the teleport could have a cooldown, and the lower the skill you have the higher the chance that you land way off target (even in the opposite direction) - I mean surely it has to be annoying before it can be used as a commodity.
RE: Support classes in Fractured
I would very much like to play a pet class that can use more than 1 permanent pet at a time like a real pet master should be able to do. Is that something I can expect, not likely unless the pets are weak, or there is some other downside to the character itself.