DAILY, and you know it!
Posts made by Grapher
RE: Daily Message posting
a message in almost 100 pages, I'm not doing a good daily posting
RE: Your favorite Dailies, or what you would like to see them as.
IMO daily quests serve one main purpose, to keep the playerbase in the game playing (mindlessly grinding).
MMOs usually have enough stuff to do(content), but as they are intended for wider audience they may lack incentive for all players to engage in the world. Sandbox games on the other hand have plenty of stuff to do as you have to manage your property and since the game is nieche it doesn't need daily incentives - but in case you still need one here it is: "go tan some leather in the tub". It's not called a daily but you'll do it anyway because you need the resource if you're selling leather or need it for your armour.
Dailies in my opinion also become an "obligation" and as a result tedious to do but wether you are aware of that is another issue. I can give a firsthand example, Hearthstone (card game) I was playing it for a couple of months just to get that daily gold even though I wasn't really enjoying the game and once I was done I was done for the day, until I realised it's just better for me to quit because the game doesn't offer me what I want.
Whenever I log into any game and I get bombarded with daily quests I just quit because I don't want to be force spoon fed for some "freebies" ie. doing (annoying) tasks for things I do/not want. I am against dailies, but I wouldn't mind a weekly/monthly quest - but it does depend how this is handled. In WoW I would say LFR (weekly dungeons) are a fail because you just do them to get the freebies (and you don't even need to get to the dungeon or search for people to do it with - lack of social interaction). A monthly in Fractured could be a world boss or a big kill quest that would as a reward upgrade one of your skill of choice (I'm making it up but if skills could be upgraded that's one way to go about it to prevent the 1-5% becmoing super strong overnight).
I'll give another example: Leage of Legends, for first victory of the day (daily) you get bonus experience points and for every other game you play that day you get less experience. Once you get enough experience you get a lootbox that usually contains characters you can unlock for less currency. So when it comes to dailies I think the one LoL has is the best (of the ones I've seen) but I just don't know how this would translate to Fractured: getting normal resource feels meh, unlocking alternate skins could be ok, noncombat pets maybe... but at this point it just feels like I'm coming up with ideas for a theme park that is spinning out of control.
RE: [FRAC-1817] Entangling web has no cooldown with 20 intelligence
Well, it does exactly what the cooldown equation says. Is it too strong, no clue, you'd have to try some pvp and see how often it fails to land.