Personally, I would personally like to see full sandbox mode here, and not restrict guilds by any factor.
Let people organize and make social structures how they like.
Personally, I would personally like to see full sandbox mode here, and not restrict guilds by any factor.
Let people organize and make social structures how they like.
Unless I'm not misremembering, before some time it was stated that guilds are for now considered to be alignment restricted. But it was also stated that game was far from release, and they might reconsider things as development goes on.
So this may still change, nothing is set in stone yet.
What ever gets on the internet, stays on the internet.
Your info is now forever "out there".
Horizontal doesn't mean everyone is equal at any given moment.
Horizontal, here, means that everyone has an opportunity to invest effort to create whatever he wants right away, without grinding for levels first.
But you still need to put time and effort to create every single item (or group up with friends, gank someone and take his stuff, that works too).
Veteran can get ganked, all gear stolen, and loose everything, and during this time while he is naked, you as newbie will be stronger than him, if you are wearing armor, regardless of how long he is playing already.
Full loot MMO = constant theft, gear loss, gear recrafting, economy, consequences (unless ofc, you opt to play only on Arboreus PvE mode).
Not everyone will be equal at all times. Everyone will go up and down, depending on circumstances, strategies,...
If there would be hidden things, I would hope they are "dynamically hidden".
Otherwise, when one player finds "secret cache of Doom", he just tells all his friends, they tell their friends, and soon everyone and his mother knows.
@GamerSeuss said in The value of Information:
For far too many people, CHAT fulfills the Socialization aspect of the game, and it is a main reason they play an MMORPG in the first place as opposed to a Solo game. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone plays MMOs for the Guild structure, raiding and shared dungeon experiences, sometimes they want to play solo, but have conversations in various chat channels with other players of the same game, on the same server.
Basically this.
Also community discord servers would instantly overcome what you are trying to accomplish with removal of ingame chat, which would end up, chat removal not accomplishing anything at all.
That happens when your woodcutting skill is low and you miss the tree.
Now imagine pvp around your house, or when you need to enter and exit repeatedly, or in town out of town.
Anything that would have own inventory also needs to be subject to possibility of theft, so thats even more coding.
Devs could in theory make loot pets that will only loot mobs you have loot rights on. But then this would kinda feel like they only cater to pve players.
I still have an opinion that if such pets should be made they should have filters to set up looting process and be complex, work on everything.
That would take development time. Would it be worth it? Thats something for devs to decide.
Some MMOs sell cosmetic pets that do not engage in battle, but after you have killed something they would collect loot from the corpse for you removing the necessity for you to manually click every single corpse to loot it.
And thats fine in most pve mmos.
In this MMO IF such feature would be implemented to cosmetic pets, there would be a need to code several configurable filters where you would need to pre choose who exactly would your pet loot...
Only mobs you killed, mobs others killed (where you will be marked as thief), all players, all players except... guildies... friend list..? Good players, evil players, anything that doesnt detract your karma or mark you negatively...?
Simple "looting pets" arent possible in this MMO.
It would be either super complex looting pets or nothing at all.
I have no doubt this will be designed well.
Some pre filters would indeed be nice to have.
Im kinda hoping consequences dont activate until you have actually taken an item.
So if you misclick a corpse (you see name on loot bag) you just close this bag, without looting, and nothing happens.
This brings up an interesting question.
You are good player (or neutral) and want to loot evil player corpses, but all corpses are stacked, you misclick and now you are flagged.
@Kralith said in January 2021 Open Weekend:
I will maybe step into some fighting this time, who knows
I feel pitty for your enemies
In various MMOs I played, when I spend time in towns it's usually when I'm half AFK, doing something else on second screen, but enjoying the chatting with people in game on primary screen.
In this time I'm usually not really doing anything, just chatting, I'm not moving around.
But I still wouldn't like to be disconnected every 10 min because I'm "just chatting" and not moving.
@spoletta said in No Hunger & Rest Depletion In Towns.:
Indeed you are right, so I agree that it should be paused only while inside the inn.
This could be double edged sword though, causing inns to be overcrowded by a huge number of AFK people just standing on tables and everywhere around, which would directly remove fun from people that would love some RP in tavers.
If there is such place that rests passively, tavern CAN NOT be the only place that offers this. In such case peoples homes should be such places as well.
Between, A - no resting place ... and B - only tavern as resting place .... option A is much better.
Personally I would prefer C, tavern and peoples homes (your own, and friends homes) as resting places.
I can agree on that not entire city needs to be passive resting place.
Tavern (if you have payed for a room there) or if you are citizen, and your own home could do the job, of pasively restoring your satiety at increased rate.
I would still vote for some prerequisites needing to be met for this to work, which would be that town would need some specific structures, connected with agriculture, built for this to work.
And if city has the prerequisites for this, then additionally, I would add, that if you are a citizen then, not only your, but every other citizens home within that city would passively regenerate you, so you can also spend time at your friends hanging round having fun, and not having each citizen having to be isolated at own home to regenerate.