I prefer when skills works same in PVE and PVP
Best posts made by GorTavaro
RE: Various damage types vs immunities
[FRAC-2350] Character window
in character window there still is Life and Life Regen, which are not in game anymore.
RE: How do you think the Economy will actually function?
Local market places are necessary for economy to work properly. Crafted items will probably be crafted on order and delivered directly to customers i can't image crafting them and putting them on market with so many possible combination. There might be some meta what to wear but even then it still seem like too many options if you want to make products for every playstyle. -
RE: Question about enviromental damage/effects
I see rogue more like hit and run than utility class but i hope there will be lot of free will for player to make build he/she wants. Hybrids can be lot of fun but with lot of choices game is hard to balance. That is the price for it.
Heavy armor should definitely always have highest defense at least for physical damage. -
RE: May 2020 Playtest Review
I'm very satisfied with this review, all problems were properly addressed and i am excited to hear that even more spells is incoming next test
Survey done but it was hard to choose just two Upcoming game features -
CON/STR Talents descriptions
Tireless says "+5 Life Regeneration" instead of "+5 Health Regeneration"
The Unwearying says "Life regenerates also when not at full Endurance" but there is no Endurance in game anymore. Also Life is Health now. -
RE: How do you think the Economy will actually function?
I have added more info i found in Q&A on transformations on wiki. Things like: Angels can't live on Tartaros but can live on permanently on Syndesia. To transform to angel you will have to go through Tyros quest chain and have good karma.
Abominations can live permanently on Tartaros.
Lich's transformation is similar but he preserves karma and alignment he had before. He has weakness to fire, increased resistance to cold spells, doesn't need to eat and have affinity for necromancy and abjuration.@Gothix
Traveling to other planets is suppose to be hard but you still can travel across your world and gather materials there. How it will affect local prices is hard to predict. I agree that you will need other players to play because otherwise you might become easy prey to evil players. This of course open opportunity for people to be hired as guards and for bounty hunters to kill criminals, which i like. Everyone gets something that fits his/her playstyle.
Having big guild and don't rely on strangers is of course advantage but i can see people cooperating on city level too. Cities will even have their own chat i just don't know if it will for citizens or for people currently in city. I would prefer city chat be for citizens so you can chat even while you are not in city. -
RE: NPC organizations
There were few mentions of NPCs: Tutorials and starter cities, NPCs for town reputation - this one is from one of first Q&As so i am not sure if it is still planned and there are also mention in towns:
NPCs will play a big role in Fractured - guilds will be able to attract them to their villages / towns, where they can settle and start their own businesses. They'll have proper names, be more or less skilled in different activities and - to an extent - have different personalities.
The governor can also assign NPCs (if the town has any) to various tasks like building.
You can assign an NPC at a town's marketplace to sell your wares for you.
but this probably isn't what are you asking for.
Once someone asked if there will be organizations like Thief guild in ESO and answer was that it is not planned. I hope this helps you more. -
RE: City Claiming Has Launched
I don't remember any limit on how many people can live in the city. It wouldn't even make much sense since people can live together in one house to save space/resources/time. City is limited by place: Plenty of town areas exist on each planet with the average size of a town spot being 256m2. This is large enough to support 100 - 200 buildings of a medium/large guild. You need minimum number of players to found the city, that is the number you see on website. -
RE: Skill Ideas
I have updated skills i posted if anyone is interested.
It would be nice to have more spells for hybrid builds since only spells that doesn't scale with INT rn are Protection from Fire, Protection from Poison, Cobweb, Blight, Paralyzing Touch and Minor Healing.
Protections are defensive and highly situational. Cobweb wouldn't be useful for melee. Blight isn't useful at all for fight and Minor Healing can be replaced with bandages. Only interesting skill is Paralyzing Touch, they could do more touch spells like that.
Problem is balancing then since normally spells scales with magic related attributes, which makes sense but they could could also makes skills which are paid with health like Second Wind or Endurance. Would you like it? -
RE: Alignment dependant abilities?
In one of Q&As somebody asked similar question about enchantments: Some kinds of enchanting can be limited to your alignment, to your god progression or only to humans(steampunk technology) so there might be spells limited by alignment as well.
RE: Česká a Slovenská komunita
Guildy by měly být omezené podle aligmentu a ne rasy, takže můžeš mít pohromadě human, beastman, angel pokud mají všichni good aligment. Samozřejmě záleží na tom jak to nakonec implementují. Já už guildu mám, ale nebránil bych se spolupráci na úrovni města. S tím jak mají města vypadat by měla být úroveň spolupráce skoro stejná jako v guildě, pokud chceš město udržet v dobrém stavu.
RE: tooltip on campfire shows to short time
This is problem with other blueprints too. I already reported it
RE: Skill Ideas
Yes but you will be able to swap talent during campfire rest and you make set with +INT make skillset with more skill points and immediately after changed it to another talent set. Last test i had skill set with 32 memory from 28, there is not check to keep you from memoryzing skill set you don't have enough memory for. -
RE: Alignment dependant abilities?
I heard that Specter is secretly deleting all armor from game because he wants everyone to walk around in boxers. -
[FRAC-1976] Disappearing log
When i chop down tree and pick up a log sometimes that log disappear a my character is holding air.
RE: Česká a Slovenská komunita
@LonelyCookie S tím nic nenaděláš, třeba The Shadow Empire se plánuje rozdělit do menších guild podle alignmentu aby mohli mít všechny lidi co nabrali
RE: Skill Ideas
@Ostaff You are right, it would be nice but people would abuse it. I wonder if there will be some ways how to permanently change you stats like tattoo in lineage for example -2STR +2INT and so on