Sorry I've seen there was a similar topic in questions - My apology and good game

Best posts made by Fayanimal
RE: Mounts
Be awesome
Hello Fractured community !
Just a little word from France by a new pledger
I wish you all a great mmo experience
I have a good feeling about what I've seen so far
Can't wait for Alpha 2
Be safe
Latest posts made by Fayanimal
My first Bug Report
Here are some things I have noticed
Some may be common so I apologize for any Redundancy
It's impossible to place any chest close from the house's walls
When you have placed an element it's impossible to move it and place again
Flying Fences
Item description sometimes stays permanently on the screen
Character navigation is not smooth sometimes you have to click twice to go in any direction, it is important because of the game type and can make a difference
Sometimes when hitted by NPC the character "flies" and not runs so animation problems
Sometimes you have to click twice to pick up a resource, stone, wood, or any other element
I noticed that if you place your cart in a certain angle too close from the wall you lose it because you can't pick up and go
Latency on the abilities when you launch the skill on the keyboard
(detail) When you rest too close from the fire you crouch "in" the fire
(Not bug but reporting anyway) : Animmations are not smooth especially for the NPC
Anyway it is a good start for an alpha, the "Open World Sensation" is very good, I've noticed the size of the map which is quite respectable and the Ping is normal considering the location of the server
Ok that's enough for this time see you soon
Long life to Fractured it is a good start !
RE: Greetings from Deccarro!
Welcome in the adventure
Long life to Fractured