Three words, Chronicles of Elyria.
Posts made by Esoba
RE: NO tank mages
Agree. Since we can change pretty much at will, I think things will work out. Plus there's always balancing. Nothing is ever perfect right out the gate, so undoubtedly there will be nerfs a coming.
RE: Allergy to various types of food.
Yeah some things - while they sound cool in theory - don't add to the gameplay experience and end up just being a nuisance for most folks. Those things are best left out. Just my 2 cents.
RE: Settlements as a Solo Player
@logain hadn't thought of that but makes complete sense. If they could I could also see the meta approach of many individuals from one group claiming stuff with the intention of one group controlling all the space they could. I guess that could be interesting in its own right.
RE: Settlements as a Solo Player
Free towns are where it's gonna be at if you aren't doing the guild thing. Haven't made my own mind up yet which I'm gonna shoot for.
RE: Biomes, Terrain & Climate
So far my hope is that they aren't just basic flavor changes with some impact. I want all of those things to have a substantial impact on play so that they really benefit some things and hinder others.
RE: GamesCom Here I Come! And You?
Good luck on the convos with publishers. May they lead to fruitful results.
RE: Larger Crafting Possibilities?
Personally more freedom in designing said things you outlined. More of a blueprint system. Although I don't expect that right off the bat, but that'd be nice.
RE: Where is Fractured advertised?
I think a problem all up and coming small Dev teams face is advertising. I also think some of the best is when sites like mmorpg and massively run good stories. Otherwise, gems of games can run under the radar.
RE: Kickstarter Is Over! What's Next?
Plus, I'm thinking that any KS specific stuff would only be for the KS. So, they still get some extra.
RE: Kickstarter Is Over! What's Next?
Gotta say that would be absolutely awesome of y'all to put a few early birds on the website. You guys are definitely looking like a company to get behind.
RE: Are there going to be a family sistem?
Great question. Maybe something for a future update since people do seem to dig families and all that.
RE: NO tank mages
Personally I'd rather everyone have an option to build their character however they wish, as opposed to artificial constraints. Sure, since we have to pick and choose what we equip knowledge wise there are natural consequences. Otherwise, don't limit.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@mazikar 100% agree with this. I'm also betting those deals are the best we'll have the opportunity to get.
RE: Kickstarter gooaaaaalllll
Just hope we can slam some of these stretch goals.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
Woot...congrats. now onward to stretch goals.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
I am excited that it looks like this is gonna meet it's goal. But counting chickens and all that. Still looking this morning it looks almost like a certainty.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@Canterbury something I've noticed with the mmo news folks is that unless one of them personally falls in love with a game, or unless it's a monster AAA game, they don't report much about them. Sure they'll do little blurbs like massively and mmorpg does on fractured, but nothing more than basic info. Perhaps one of the best things I heard was from that massively article comparing this to swg. I see the comparisons, and those type of articles would be sure to draw in folks willing to spend some bling.
RE: 703 Backers, we in boys!
Outstanding. It's coming along nicely. Now still hoping for a supercharged final couple days.
RE: Will people using alt accounts have any advantages?
Yeah, with the horizontal progression system I don't see much of a need for alts for that. However, there are tree starting planets. I can definitely see some folks rolling an alt on the other two they don't pick for their main.