too early

Posts made by DevilsDog
RE: Market
According to the Devs and articles, it will be player based market system and I guess it will be real money for a cosmetic but don't quote on that.
If you ever played Albion online you will know what I am talking about. Albion online has the best market system so far the games I have played. totally player based economy.
I am hoping Fractured MMO does it better, cause I want this game to succeed in all aspect. -
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 22, 2019
sweet. I am all about good graphics, + for showing us the goodies.
RE: Fractured Streamers List
waiting on test 2, no one can be as hardcore as me for Fractured I even Advertise this game in Albion online lol.
seriously when is Test 2 we need a date June is already here. -
@Xzait but in future, if they can accommodate something like Albion Online character Builder that had be sweet.
where experienced players can post the items and the purpose it had been build for. -
@Xzait yes sorry for misguiding. what I meant to say was character creation for the profile.
Figured it out.
if anyone else needs help so it's next to the ABOUT tab THE FOUNDATION on the main page and from THE FOUNDATION pick HERO PROFILE that will take you to your hero profile creation page. -
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
@Xzoviac good point their fellow Fractured, The point made my these comments you cropped pretty much summarizes the bad aspect of the Albion online, the bottom line is developer need to balance the game with the PVP an PVE content. for e.g. when I am with my guild I do BZ and Mindless ganking and all but by myself I am pretty much stuck enjoy a little bit of crafting and selling stuff in the market besides I don't have anything to do, cause every time I go In BZ or Red Zone, I have 5-6 noobs chasing me and there is no way you can fight them. there are tricks what to wear and what to carry for ganking and escaping but being in constant fear of being ganked is a thrill but not fun all the time.
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
All I am gonna say is Albion is not Failure in any way, it is a game of its kind. It got everything, almost, building, crafting, market( my favorite), dungeon but It lacks content for the solo player and its always risky being a solo, so my only complaint is almost no content for solo player but if you are in guild or love PVP this is the best game, with simple interface. but I am much of a solo player and also I got bored with the game so here I am.
RE: Alpha Test -2 Release
gotcha. so News is the first place we will learn, is that what you saying?
I want to create my character before the game I ran into it some weeks ago but I am unable to find. would anyone be willing to reply to me with the link?
appreciate it. -
Alpha Test -2 Release
does anyone have insider when the Alpha -Test2 might be open in June?
RE: Spread The Word & Win A Key!
if I have a Patron do I have access to Alpha Test 2 regardless?
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 1 - Test 2
@Prometheus can't wait for the release. got my Patron pack eagerly and desperately waiting for the June to come. keep it coming.
RE: Let's borrow some ideas from other games!
Albion Online would be the game to get some idea in my opinion.
RE: Daily Message posting
Waddddddddddddaaaaaaaa who is desperate for the release of the fractured?