so what should we change huMAN to then?

Posts made by DarthJafo
RE: The Tutorial – To Add, Please Don't
The only thing i found wrong with the tutorial was the preset section, other than that it was simple, straightforward, and easy to follow.
Presets just need an extra line or two (doing this from memory so might be a bit off)
rest at campsite to memorize abilities
go to presets tab and create new preset
go to abilities tab and click on each ability to add to preset (this is what was missing)
Go back to preset tab, select the new preset, add a name and/or icon if desired and click memorize
Drag the abilities to the hot bar in whatever order you desire.Because it only said go to presets, I spent way to much time trying to figure out how to get the wheel to work. Its really a very simple process, just wasn't properly explained.
I kinda like the idea of a skippable tutorial because after the first time, there's no need to go through it again unless there's something fundamentally different about a new class or something.
I think the bread thing can be simplified simply by adding "bake bread and eat a portion to restore energy" I feel like it wouldn't be necessary to explain where to find the bread after its baked.
Oh, something else that may or may not be obvious (wasn't to me) I bought something at the market and the first time I thought it would either go to my inventory or sent in the mail. Instead it went to storage tab. Should be pretty simple to add a "check this tab for your item" tooltip
RE: The Tutorial – To Add, Please Don't
The bread doesn't directly attach to hunger as its never mentioned what the left half of that icon even is. Most games, even MMOs, no longer have a need to eat or drink as that was getting old even when it was required. It's starting to make a comeback again (conan, ark) which im not sure is a good thing.
RE: More accessible plots
That's essentially my strategy going forward as well. Didn't really have the time to build a house this past alpha as it was my first.
I plan on getting the knowledge completed for all of the starter area critters before moving on to higher stuff. The spiderlings have a Venom ability that i think would be useful against the gobs and bandits
RE: The Tutorial – To Add, Please Don't
Except that the tutorial isn't finished. The presets section needs a few more hints. Like..go to the abilities tab and click on the icons to memorize. All it said was create a preset and memorize these abilites. Didn't say anything about how to do that.
Beyond that, it was fine for what it was. However, NO ONE is going to leave the game to read a wiki that is at best barely even started, let alone actually helpful. They will instead ask the same questions over and over in chat. And because chat scrolled so fast, they'll miss the answer and just ask even more.
Then what happens is the people who are trying to be helpful rightfully get tired of answering those same questions.
RE: More accessible plots
Can I, for example, build a chest in your house? Or do you build a chest and assign me permissions? I don't know exactly how large my Palace will be, but i could definitely see having a "vault" of sorts with chests for different members. That way we get around the 2nd house limitation.
RE: More accessible plots
ok i get it
so i we have two cities, are only citizens of one? Or can they be combined to the kingdom and then residents of both? Or I suppose citizen of one and resident of one?
RE: More accessible plots
ok, but other groups/guilds/players will be starting cities as well. What's the diff between one guild doing three, and other players? Plus, again, there's still other cities being built.
RE: More accessible plots
Would it be beneficial for a guild to start three cities close together to split the research? Eventually they could all hit the major milestones but if it allows the main researches to be done early it might be worth it.
RE: Unable to find solo housing
I had to purchase after becoming a citizen this past weekend. IDK about the 2nd part
Also not sure if plots will all cost the same. I.E, will my founders Palace plot cost the same as a villa? Guessing not.
RE: Young player protection hour counter
i had 80k knowledge points, but 40 hours
RE: A simple yet powerful thing
It would get very old very very quickly. And really provide no added benefit. I mean, so what if luck played a part in something? How does that help the player? long as its a togglable feature then fine. I don't see enough people wanting to be worth the dev time. Significantly more important things that need work.
RE: Alpha Weekend starts today!
i discovered that quite by accident. It wasn't at all explained in the tutorial.
i was able to buy the eternal pack yesterday. It now shows as "buy as a gift" because I already own it, as does the other packs above it.
RE: Would tents be a viable inclusion?
Would also need to be a higher cost. 10 of each for just a campfire seems a little steep honestly, But with the tent would raise it to 20 of each plus 20 hides. This would make it more cumbersome to use due to gathering needs and weight restriction. Could further be limited by each party member needing to contribute a few of each piece to activate.
Also allow that it can only be used with a party of say at least five (what is the max party size anyway?) and only one use per hour or so. This way its only useful once, maybe twice tops because farming the same mob gets tedious after awhile.
Another potential solution would be a timed instance. 30-60 minutes, maybe 5 instances allowed at one time. This would help in many ways. Load on the sever as the instance would be shunted to a VM for example. Reduces the number of people in a given area, which we saw in the Event is basically unplayable with to many people around.
There's a myriad of other ways it COULD be done without breaking the system. And lets be real..its not all that game breaking because most towns arent all that far away where you can't find at least one fireplace to rest at.
RE: The Dark Convergence
I was there with my mage Tali Zora. Honestly, it was a bit of a mess. Well, more was a complete mess.
First, no parties/Raid Groups were formed. I suppose that was on us.
Second...entirely to many people. I get that it was also a stress test, and boy, were people stressed. But, most of the time, i couldn't even see the target. and even when i could, trying to "lock on" was nearly impossible. Once the bodies started to drop, more often than not i only get the loot icon. was a blast even for all that. Getting to see a couple of the models was awesome, as was getting the knowledge to see what kind of abilities those would give.
It did go on for far to long though. Even for a stress test.
RE: when is the nest play test
In chat over the weekend the ceo said it would be "soon" and then he said "no, really really soon"
So, hopefully..soon
RE: Young player protection hour counter
I had 40 hours. Of which i used 11. This was my first test though. If all data is wiped shouldn't everyone start with the same?
RE: My thoughts after the alpha
I never even saw zombies. Granted, I spent most of my wandering time killing wildlife to fill the book. But i really didn't wander to far.
I feel that its more beneficial to fill up one critters knowledge before moving on to much. As I Mage, the spiderlings, The Cryo and Pyromancers and the bosses of gobs and Bandits all had useful spells i could have learned. That's probably how I'll try and do the following tests and launch. Unless there's parties going after larger mobs.
Would really like being able to annotate the map so i could put notes on there of where to find certain critters.