What about not being able to unload a wagon without logging?

Best posts made by DarthJafo
RE: Patch Log - b.0.7d (Server War Playtest)
Just watched the Q&A on youtube, DS stressed many times that gamingo only has distribution rights and that's it. No impact on actual gameplay (beyond funding and extra resources) Personally, I have no experience with Gamingo that I'm aware of but nothing in that Q&A gives me any cause for concern. If anything, Jacobo comes across as genuine and sincere.
Need to playtest in the Alpha at least once, but after that I might go from Master to Eternal.
RE: Punishment for Reds
I'll probably stick around long enough for Tatorous to make an appearance..or i die of old age which seems more likely. If they don't fundamentally change how someone who has zero interest in getting ganked before that then ill just delete the game and call my $300 justified.
Last time i will EVER back a game in beta. First and only..learned my lesson there.
RE: Dire wolf fur still bugged
Well, that's progress at least. There's tons of others that are still just a crown
RE: isit worth getting founder pack because i dont know if i should
If they are eating rice and beans I would imagine a silly video game is the last thing on their mind.
Bottom line.the only way to play the game is to buy a pack. Whether that action is worth a paltry 25 bucks only the buyer can really answer that
RE: Would tents be a viable inclusion?
i would like to see a whole campsite system. Scalable/upgradable of course. Starts with a campfire of course which would only allow energy to be filled. Next upgrade would be a tent that would allow health to be fixed after death instead of having to run all the way back to a city.
Obviously in addition to the wood and stone it would require animal hides.
further could be upgraded to something like a portable crafting station to cure hides etc. although that might be a bit much
RE: Tin depoist labeld as stone deposit
This has been around since launch. None of the ones on Aerhen are correct
RE: Will there be vulnerabilities to have things in game hacked?
Where there's a will theres a way. Its impossible to block every single possible thing. Otherwise Microsoft wouldn't be issue patches every month. Google alone had like 6 updates last month. I know this because we had to push them to all of our clients
RE: Noob here, did I leave starter area too early?
There are no quests after leaving the portal.
Imo, its a very good idea to stay in the tutorial long enough to max out all related research. This will get a couple abilites and enough points to unlock a couple skill points.
For example, there's a specific young wolf (tutorial) that apparently can only be found there. The young wolves on the mainland are different. Basically same for those bandits i think.
Don't be to worried about spiders. The Wolf Spider in particular is a right bastard. Be on the lookout for Dandelions and Bitterleaf to make herb remedy. Once you have that spiders are basically nothing.
RE: Advanced smelter bug
Same fricking bugs as when Arehen launched. SMGDMFH
Need help turorial presets
So i started as an arcanist. Im at the tutorial part where i need to save a preset with all the spells. I'm in the preset wheel, but i cant seem to find the spells i need. I looked at all of them, or close enough. Can someone please help with better instruction than what the tutorial is providing?
Suggestion: Allow right click of abilities to be added to presets. or even better, add to quick bar. Not really seeing the point of presets at the moment.
RE: extra slots for healing and herbs
They could add a belt slot for gear. That's where pots would normally be.
RE: If you are a Citizen of The Shire on Terra
Most just make a plot outside of town and do all the crafting there. you do NOT want to use public tanning tubs or smelters because literally anyone can take it if you dont set a timer and make sure your there when its done.
We REALLY need better permission options
RE: Glyph and Re-downloading Fractured?
That seems like an enormously bad idea. A simple uninstall of the old version, download the new client and run should work with no issues.
OTOH, if you copy the game files it could definitely result in corrupted files that a file checker might not catch. I'm going to try it when i get home from work.
RE: Patch Log - v.b.0.0.l8
I imagine something a Bunny Rabbit would be a 0, a vampire spider around 5-6, Jotun/Mammoths/Elementals around 7-8? Legends of course would probably be 10. Or w/e the highest number is.
But still, some kind of actual ranking would be nice. Given how rare they are. For the first time i'm hoping the drop rate will be bugged and a fox will drop the two recipes i'm actually hoping for
RE: If you are a Citizen of The Shire on Terra
Taxes are medium for foreigners. No more plots in town. Everything in town is set to public. For reasons i dont fully understand, any citizen still needs to be trusted rank to use them. Probably a setting somewhere. Currently around 155 citizens.
Potential workaround to buying packs
Had some success with this on the discord. If your having issues buying/seeing the packs available try this.
- go to https://glyph.trionworlds.com/
- select Fractured
- Click on Store
- Click on See More of the pack you want to buy
- Click Buy now. Here you'll need to sign in if it doesn't auto sign in
- enter payment details.
The key seems to be not signing in until you click the buy now
RE: Smelting is tedious
Instead of chopping trees i'd like to just pull up next to it and have a team of gremlins hop out and cut it for me. j/k
I'll agree with the tedium of moving items from a wagon, to well anything. What i'd like to see, and its a very simple fix because it already exists in game is for transfer to work like it does with chests.
Have the wagon inventory open, and the storage object of choice open and either just right click to move, or even drag and drop. Even if i pull the wagon right next to it the task of manually going from one object to the other is unnecessary. Even if it is slightly realistic
If you are a Citizen of The Shire on Terra
We would very much like it if you would also join our Guild. This will aid not just in communication, but we are also planning Events for groups of new players to go to the "easy" spots to get started. Even provide starter gear for most classes.
Of course if you AREN'T a citizen and want to be, check us out. Largest populated city on the lsland. Not saying a whole lot given where we are, but its something
What are plans for Citizen levels/permissions
Wondering what if any plans there are for Citizen permissions long term. We need several rank options to properly manage the common rabble.
For Example. We currently have
Governor. Master of all
Vice Gov. Master of most.
Citizen. Access to everything unless somehow restricted (personal plots, friends list, etc)Similar to guild levels we need ranks that are below citizen. I.E, Peasant. Or Serf.
Also, granulated permissions for each rank. Things such as Being able to deposit Materials to various storage containers, but not withdraw.