Please verify that existing Eternal Holders still have lifetime VIP. The platinum pack says its only six months for new purchase

Best posts made by DarthJafo
RE: Council of Elysium - Chapter Two
RE: Can we get an answer on this?
I'm confident we will at least got a 2nd continent in the next month or so. Almost certainly after the gate opens and we all max talents, skills, and whatnot on Myr/Arehen,
I'm not 100% certain (and Im to lazy to check), but i believe Aerhen was added roughly two months after Myr.
RE: What Are The Different Tiers?
t1 is the everyday garbage you start with and can make with Branches/small stone/rope. The Primitive gear
t2 is the advanced stuff that takes processing/special materials. Your Sets
RE: Communication is Key for Supporters
a bug report doesnt mean jack when the exact same bugs keep cropping up. Yeah i know, blah blah bugs always keep coming back unintentionally blah blah
If the same exact bugs happen on Terra, that happened on Arehen, that were reported and fixed, yet the exact same issues came back...THEN WTF ARE WE EVEN DOING HERE???
Bugs get found, reported, and fixed. That's the end of the cycle. New bugs are then found and the cycle repeats until hopefully, finally, you've managed to quash 97% of at least the repeaters.
We aren't moving forward. We are regressing. and that's doesn't bode well
Some of the same bugs of the top of my head
- Settler/party/guild bug. Unable to join, or leave if if you were one of the lucky few
- Harbors not working outright, or more specifically, wagons through harbors.
- Logs falling through the floor.
- Logs floating in the air. (this one i think is new to Terra, or at least ive never seen in Syndesia)
- Farms not working right.
Glaring, unacceptable oversights on Terra
Impassable bridges (still not fixed, was "promised" after last weeks patch that would in next (todays) patch. With admin powers probably wouldn't take that long to double check this.
Unable to process meat specific to Terra. I mean seriously? You put a new continent down, with all new lovely critters, and you don't even bother to make sure the meat can be used?
We all get small dev house. We all get there's only so much that can be done. But that excuse is rapidly wearing thin when we can't even progress forward.
RE: Is the game going on sale again soon?
It was on sale. for months.
And Eternal definetely needs to go away. just like the various kickstarter and other limited time packs go away. You snooze you lose
RE: Bug Fixes - September 29, 2022
Couldn't remove a couple rocks from the end of bridges could ya? SMH
RE: [QoL Suggestion] Packing Station Storage accessiblity with just one click
Just being able to right click like with a chest inv would be enough. Same for storage depots. They're just to needlessly painful and tedious to bother. I don't mind filling the wagon with ore, stone or wood, but to have to do it again to go into storage is just unnessecary.
RE: gamigo Spooktacular!
ROFL i thought at first this was gonna be some in game Halloween nonsense. Its even worse than i thought. And the prizes? Way to shut out the non-EU players.
I'm sorry, but is this really appropriate right now? So many significantly more important things to be focusing on.
RE: Let us gather small stones from stone deposits
If finding small stones, which are literally everywhere mind you, is something that flummoxes a player i would think more involved tasks such as building a wagon would render them catatonic
RE: Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open
@Prometheus I still get my Palace right?
RE: Quick poll results
@OlivePit said in Quick poll results:
So give us Tartarus and open it up 24/7 with the understanding that all the systems may get changes, but you can play through them.
Unless there's a secret team thats been working on Demons for a couple years we are nowhere near close to tartarus. Considering its taken this long and we only have two races (one incomplete) and a myriad of base or core content that still is in development
Granted, there's very little functional difference between Humans and Beasts beyond some minor stat difference. (Primal form need not be mentioned as it is So Demons would just be a new skin over the top of Humans and Beasts. Having it be full time PvP should make it a bit easier to develop though.
If we wait for Demons before having a soft or full launch we could still be looking at a year if not more. Release sans Demons and find some lore method to introduce them at some later point.
RE: Dev Roadmap - To Release & Beyond
To have two seperate servers in a game this small is utterly moronic.
An mmo can and should have multiple servers. But its obviously supposed to be totally seamless to the player.
Either merge the two to keep progress, or drop the current and wipe, starting over. Leaving 5 people playing on the current server, while would be nice and quiet, would be even more boring than the current lack of any real, meaningful content.
Bravo though on finally seeing the light on the good cant be pvped. I was only saying that for frickin months. and predicted the death knell of this game as a consequence.
RE: Traveling to and from terra and crystal requirements
Its already hard to find a node that isnt camped. Even harder to come upon a node and not get swarmed. Common etiquette would suggest that if someone is already there move on. Does no one any good to only get 2/10
in one hour of just doing bandits on the beach (chests, not HS) i made almost 3k. Lazy people will be lazy i guess
RE: Special Thanks to the Hacker
i would have gone with "slowly eaten by fire ants from the inside out" but burning sofa works to. If way to quick