hello and welcome!

Posts made by chrightt
RE: I brought the cookies(and the beer).
Indeed, it seems like games are starting to move back towards the subscription based market or buy to play too.
RE: Spying other races
Think about it in terms of real life.
If we can't catch all the spies it doesn't want to nor does it mean we don't want to prevent it.
RE: Paths of Magic
@specter oh thanks! I see the bell icon on top right tells me when I'm tagged in a post
RE: Paths of Magic
@prometheus 400 spells/abilities? Does these include passive ones or ones that are clearly going to be replaced? (i.e different tiers of spells so some spells are for beginning sorcerers to learn but evolve into stronger spells; therefore, counting as 2 spells since the new enhanced version "technically" has a different name?)
RE: Loot vs. Skill
@mazikar Personally I don't think skills necessarily need to have skill levels to make the game interesting. Often games depend on level progression for skill points to unlock skills. It would make sense for a simpler skill, for example a fireball, to become obsolete because the character can learn something like "conflagration", which might have a higher mana/dmg ratio. But obviously, everything rests on the developers to balance the skills and make their own "skill system".
RE: Hello! Curios how this will be xDDD
Hello, and I believe you mean curious not curios
RE: Loot vs. Skill
@specter I am pretty sure there are some skills that are not "technically" skill shots as pressing them would be sort of like getting a buff on yourself right? Or maybe something like summon 3 wolves to help you in battle (in which case you can just press the skill. While I have played pure skill shot games, there are always certain skills like this which actually allows the player a momentary respite to think about his next move/strategy, which usually adds to the depth of the gameplay.
RE: Is there any class revealed?
Those are "self made" classes more appropriately known as roles I believe (which is why the classic trinity works). What the devs are saying is that there are no "made" classes, players must make their own "class" for a lack of a better word. Instead, this topic might as well ask for any revealed skills, as that is what @Gerio wants to know. -
RE: Will have any type of faction system?
IMHO, Fractured has to potential to either sink in the norm and follow the "regular" standards of what people already believe "should" be true, or completely create a whole new world. Why do different races necessarily need to be enemies? Something like peace between nations, but devious plans being made behind the scenes excite me wayyyy more. A well made faction system in Fractured can very well be not only intricate but also very meaningful (so it doesn't end up like just another regular MMORPG where we call people faction X and faction Y without meaning behind the faction's identity). Good luck Fractured team!
RE: Hello Fractured Community
@MjrDeathAdder open to anything atm. Have a range of small projects to big ones though.
RE: Scale of PvP
I figured not all 30 would come into play at the same time. I just hope other "buffs" from consuming items or maybe even heal over time from pots etc. along with these unique statuses won't clog up the status bar. However, it is nice to hear your explanation as it does seem like not many of these statuses will mess up the experience. -
RE: Foundation
@Prometheus Would be nice for a quest update! In my opinion the current list of quests are way too limited.
RE: "Extra-planetary" travels? Interesting!
Is there going to be some sort of "story" that we can learn from playing the game? Maybe some legend or tales of the planets, interaction of races, etc.
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
Definitely a PVP player, but I do enjoy good PVE just as much as the PVP.
RE: Hello Fractured Community
Oh, also, looking for anyone interested in game development too.
Hello Fractured Community
Hello guys, this is Chrightt (:P well obviously). I am an experienced gamer and usually reach top 0.1% in most games I invest time into. Looking for people who are friendly and decently competitive to play with. I hope this game turns out really well as the description on main page got me quit excited.