Hello, Welcome

Posts made by chrightt
RE: Foundation Top 100's Top 10.
There was a top 100 in foundation page?!!?!?
edit: wow what the I'm rank 38?!?! I don't even do all the quests nor are any of my friends interested in a game so early in its development process there hasn't even been an alpha test yet (maybe that is why I'm even in the top 100s). -
RE: How can someone contribute with funding the game?
lol, honestly most games don't have funding this early into the game as Specter said.
RE: Down the street and up sandstone steps...
Welcome, you sound fun to play with!
RE: Any gameplay video ?
lol, sadly still too early on in development process.
RE: How u think, what system req be in alpha?
Well, it seems like the final product will still be more taxing than PoE, but it isn't like PoE burns through your CPU.
RE: How u think, what system req be in alpha?
probably a decent system requirement, but not as taxing as games like For Honor.
RE: How many players have already registered?
lol and there might just be people with multiple accounts out there too (because of the forum invite rewards, those kind of stuff always promotes multi-accounting).
RE: Races, Gods and buffs
Just wondering, @Prometheus (if you don't mind telling us ahead of time) when is the spotlight coming out?
RE: Rawr ^~^
Hello, and hello, and hello again. Guess its been 7 and a half hours since you joined.
RE: New here=D
I am assuming you are Italian then?
Am I a good guesser?
RE: Feature Spotlight #3 - The Knowledge System
honestly, most games allow to change your talents without opening your wallet. Also, the knowledge system is basically a different exp system which I actually don't mind. The actual experience of obtaining knowledge seems a bit more like GW2 where you don't necessarily have to do quests in order and stuff like that. Basically, hopefully, a non-linear grind experience. Talent tree looks like it has potential for decent variety and skill builds. Thanks for the update!
RE: More News Coming Next Week!
@vengu sounds interesting, thanks for the info.
RE: More News Coming Next Week!
lol, hope it is actually development progress and sneak peaks.