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Posts made by Benseine
RE: ๐บโโโโโโข โโโ ๐ฆโโโโโโกโโขโ
@jetah said in Rabies and Vampirism:
@kralith said in Rabies and Vampirism:
I personally like the idea of diseases, not just in case of vampirism, there should be way more like a harmless cold, feaver, sadness till some aggressive serious diseases. All of them combined with increases or decreases of character values while diseased.
Such a mechanic could be very interesting at all.
Imagine, you go to a fight with extremly weakness ... you would think twice next time to go out of your house with such bad condition.you get sick enough that you can't leave the bed and need a healer/alchemist to reduce the fever and experiment on making a cure.
If you go down that path everyone will make healer alt/2nd account to get rid of deceases as soon as you get it.
I think just stick to survival elements with cold etc and hopefilly add vampire/wearewoll gameplay
RE: ๐บโโโโโโข โโโ ๐ฆโโโโโโกโโขโ
@darian said in Rabies and Vampirism:
@rolanstorm Someow, i feel like having a player turn into a really powerful monster, but completely cutting him off from the "civilized" world (no access to cities unless hidden, no interaction with NPCs other than combat) is not imbalanced. It just adds another dimension to the game, allowing you to become the villain. Perhaps forcing you to find a hide spot where you can build up your "lair" and strengthen it with infected monsters or even other PCs. Left unchecked this lair would become a threat to the nearby city and a raid party would have to be organized so they can clear the lair, defeat the powerful vampire and then cure him. There's plenty of cool things a developer could do for a game, with the right mechanics implemented. It is a whole different story, to persuade stakeholders to actually take that risk though.
Nice idea
RE: ๐บโโโโโโข โโโ ๐ฆโโโโโโกโโขโ
Cool, liked it in Oblivion and Skyrim, but hard to inplement in mmo i think
RE: Rotatable Camera?
@jetah said in Rotatable Camera?:
Thx, seems loke a really nice addition to the game if you could rotate the camera
RE: Rotatable Camera?
@jetah said in Rotatable Camera?:
Just wondering if we'll have the ability to rotate the camera? I found an Alpha (steam early access) game that is isometric but also allows the user to rotate the camera around the player and it's awesome! First time I've experienced it.
Can you post a gameplay video of that game here?
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@jetah I never said you can't travel there I'm just telling you that your idea of "invasion" will not happen.
Unless certain guilds go there in large groups
RE: Cities
@prometheus said in Cities:
@meangroundhog said in Cities:
Will there be a limit to how much you can build or will it be so that there is a limited area?
This to maybe stop the world from becoming one big cityThere are area limits, both for cities and for other kinds of privately owned buildings - such as farms. The world definitely won't turn into "one big city" or a random mass of houses!
@benseine Let's make sieges a thing
They'll be a thing!
Spotlights comiiing!
Looking forward to the spotlight!
RE: Cities
There will always be ppl like me who want to burn it all down
RE: Player bounty boards (PVP)
@jetah said in Player bounty boards (PVP):
you're thinking of a legal reward for the capture of someone. example of FBI's most wanted or crime stoppers. I'm thinking of a bounty that is illegal, one that anyone can place a hit on anyone else with enough money.
if good aligned players are exempt then they'll be the scammers in the city. and they'll get no retaliation because they'll always be good aligned.
Can't you get exiled from your planet if you commit to many crimes or something? So they won't always be good aligned if they act wrong, right?
RE: Player bounty boards (PVP)
@finland said in Player bounty boards (PVP):
@benseine said in Player bounty boards (PVP):
@fibs said in Player bounty boards (PVP):
No please. I've played games with bounty boards and they are always heavily exploited to grief players by repeatedly setting frivolous bounties on them over and over.
Maybe only allow to set a bounty by the killers victims. So once you got killed by someone you get the revenge option to set a bounty on the killer for one time. He killed you 3 times? You have 3 opportunities to set a bounty on him.
Only if good alingnment will be not considered killers for killing evil people! Otherwise I prefer and evil alignment restriction like I said before.
Ingame storage
I know what you can carry yourself is very limited. The game will have survival elements. Expeditions to other planets for resources will require mounts and wagons.
But will there be one storage for everything or seperate storage for animals/mounts? Like you have in Black Desert Online? Where you have to leave your mount or wagon at the stable.
Would also be nice if storage was limited to be on par with the survival elements. So a guild would't just hoarde on stone/wood/metals but have limited ammount and they need storage for food to be able to do stuff during the winter. And also to make sure farmers sell their stuff and not hoard on food.
RE: Banks and auctions.
@jetah said in Banks and auctions.:
I wouldn't store anything in a location where i could leave the game for a few months or years and come back to nothing in my storage. but i would create my own guild on an alt to store everything.
And what if the guild demolishes the storehouse to move to another location. Or the guild settlement gets destroyed?