@Prometheus se qualcosa merita, perché non valorizzarla?

Hi I'm Francesco, I make music and play a lot on pc of course, I'm 20.
Best posts made by Fraq
RE: Cosa vi affascina di più in questo progetto?
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
I generally love PvE, I like more cooperating instead of fighting against other players, but... I shall admit it, PvP is funny at stages. Anyway a good PvE is necessary in my opinion.
My pleasure
Hi all! I'm Fraq. The project is really great, looking forward to it, anyway nice to meet you!
Latest posts made by Fraq
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
I generally love PvE, I like more cooperating instead of fighting against other players, but... I shall admit it, PvP is funny at stages. Anyway a good PvE is necessary in my opinion.
RE: i cant wait
@Aries oh well and I believe it ahahah, good projects, good feelings
RE: This forum is completely, and utterly unusable
Blue is always a good way to go, this is just a different shade. Anyway the forum is easy to understand and usable indeed, maybe it would be great if it was possible to choose between at least two themes; but I understand that is not a priority at the moment.
RE: July Feature Spotlight: Cosmology & Races - List your questions!
I've got a bunch of questions:
- Are the travels between planets instantaneous (like a teleport)? Or is it possible to manually travel between them?
- Do the different orbits have an impact on surfaces' temperatures? And if so, will be there "survival" mechanics (like debuffs in certain areas based on the race)
- Will it be possible to terraform the planets? (excavating, filling holes with water, flatten mountains etc; not just erecting buildings for example)
RE: Cosa vi affascina di più in questo progetto?
@Prometheus se qualcosa merita, perché non valorizzarla?
RE: Cosa vi affascina di più in questo progetto?
Sicuramente l'idea di un mmo dinamico, così com'è stato appunto definito, l'idea di trovarsi su pianeti differenti (se non ho capito male). Sono curioso di vedere come sarà gestita l'assenza dei classici livelli, i rapporti tra i giocatori, data la grande interazione che dovrà per forza di cose essere presente in un mondo dove dipende tutto da noi, addirittura il creare villaggi etc. Fondamentalmente poi ovviamente è la libertà di scelta e movimento il punto forte.
My pleasure
Hi all! I'm Fraq. The project is really great, looking forward to it, anyway nice to meet you!