After doing the normal make bread, clothes, and weapons quests as part of the tutorial it sends you to the middle of Heartwood, middle of Goblin Hill, and middle of Vale of Shadows. I understand the desire to introduce areas to the players for where to kill and get more skills and I agree with Heartwood as being a good area to send people to get used to the combat and how to survive within the game on a PvE aspect. However Goblin Hill and Vale of Shadows are a magnitude harder to deal with than Heartwood and sending new players to the middle of those areas is setting the majority of them up for suicide runs and potentially turning them away from the game completely.
I would suggest instead of having new players having to try to get to Goblin Hills and Vale of Shadow that you just direct them to Heartwood and then have a note mentioning Goblin Hills and Vale of Shadow as other places the player can go if they are looking for more of a challenge. Let it be the player's choice instead of making it a quest requirement.