Two Handed Melee build
Been playing melee staff build full hide armor wolf helmet and necklace nice crits, but when striking enemy there’s times when I could hit five times in a row and not connect once which makes skill farming of mobs very painful and completely unrealistic. This happens very often and needs to be addressed for sure thanks for test enjoying everything and looking forward to the direction you are heading in.
@Nyquil44 said in Melee build:
Been playing melee staff build full hide armor wolf helmet and necklace nice crits, but when striking enemy there’s times when I could hit five times in a row and not connect once which makes skill farming of mobs very painful and completely unrealistic. This happens very often and needs to be addressed for sure thanks for test enjoying everything and looking forward to the direction you are heading in.
so you have a bug report?
Who knows if it is probably the way devs had it setup. dagger is totally unplayable I can go 10-15 times trying to hit in row and nothing connects
Curious do one of the starting stats help with melee hit/accuracy
@Yitra Thanks so much that table is absolutely perfect. Accuracy for melee build is most precious stat in my opinion can’t do damage when you miss
I havent seen many strength based abilities so far.
Did i miss monsters or is it intended for the moment ?
The melee build is pretty poor actually imo.
@Absolit The devs have only implemented a fraction of the planned abilities so far.
Shivashanti TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Nov 26, 2019, 1:51 AM last edited by Shivashanti Nov 26, 2019, 3:50 AM
@Absolit found 5 skills which improve with str, 6 with per/dex and a couple of usefull cc's and buffs for melee builds, so i would say there are a few in there even in this state of the game
I found power word kill that works like asassinate for dagger build works amazing with my staff build
i love word of power:kill, such a strong spell, at least atm without the real endurance/hp mechanics
@Shivashanti what other ones have you seen that melee would be useful to get with my current staff build just want to focus that next after I finish Lich farming
Melee really needs some love devs please add some more skills for us.
Out of 30 something skills I’ve seen like 3 actually work with a staff build everything else is 1 hand dagger or axe or unarmed.
Please address this glaring issue and can’t use hide armor with 90% of those skills which makes mage op and melee builds utterly garbage.
Literally every mob kill is bash selected auto auto auto word of power kill rinse repeat we should rename it fractured mage skills only MMO sorry for raging but it’s completely insane the zero love given to melee 2h builds.
Another thing with gladiator melee selection I can memorize 16/16 when arcanist one gets like 28 points to memorize abilities gimping us even further into the abyss.
@Specter said in Melee build:
@Absolit The devs have only implemented a fraction of the planned abilities so far.
@Nyquil44 All will be well. Plenty more is to come
I hope they will work in more 2h melee abilities but to have literally nothing is a huge swing and miss. Literally all I do is swing and miss even with high perception.
I will continually post here and edit and update and make melee a thing that should be addressed with an urgency.
Yeah some packs i go 5 or six misses and some i hit every swing it seems random. I did try a build with more accuracy (Stag Helm) and it seemed to reduce the pain a bit. I think it is just part of the Alpha testing all systems, it may be different on go live. There will be more accessories and buffs to help out with the accuracy.
It makes sense that as your character "grow" they get better at hitting stuff.
@Tero-Kaze yes I did same with stag helm helped little but still see tons of misses in a row. It is alpha so I’m sure it will get better as they adjust. Don’t know why I don’t see more dagger players on here expressing there pain that weapon is all Miss practically all the time. The hit box is almost unfindable on mobs to kill one wolf it took me few minutes which is really bad.
Agreed i hope when dual wield is implemented it helps with the hits even it it is every other strike. The axes seem a bit better and it is in same class so i have started to use it instead.
Above is dagger and axe test completely unplayable as you all can see. Yes axe is way more bearable currently dagger is wow oh wow bad.