Alpha end of 2018?
Is that correct? That's a long wait =/
@xeth said in Alpha end of 2018?:
Is that correct? That's a long wait
This Studio was formed in mid-2017, and summer 2017. So I need to do something that would not be ashamed to show to the audience.
Prometheus said in his lasts posts they expect the Alpha at the end of the year and i think thats a good timeframe.
Nothing to blame about this
And i think we all are excited, what will come.
It takes the time it needs, better we get a good developed alpha later than a too fast too much unfinished game.
Just a small corretion. The Alpha phase date is still unkown. What we are supposed to get at the end of this year is just the pre phase, in other words the Pre-Alpha. Also let me add that the full release is meant only to 2020, so yeah it's a really long wait
but the wait will surely be worth it
@frost Fractured has no release date yet.
Also, Alpha 1 is still scheduled for late this year.
@specter Hum. Not sure why but I get the feeling I read something a while ago about wanting to release the game by 2020. Now I'm not sure anymore ahah
And yeah in the FAQ it says Alpha 1 late this year, but since the pre alpha will also be late this year, it's hard to tell if alpha 1 will still be held at the scheduled time ^^
@frost The plans for alpha 1 haven't changed.
As for the release date, Prometheus told me just now there's no timeline he can disclose past alpha 1.
@specter Well then maybe there was just some1 speculating then, it was a few months ago so I'll probably mixing things up :x My bad