The beastlands will have no ability to damage other players. I know from my UO days often players from the same guild would like to spar or practice pvp. Also in SWG there was the option to duel someone. So I was wondering if this option might be considered for Fractured. This would allow players to damage each other by consent in the beastlands safely without interference from outside players. This would also allow organized pvp if groups can wage war on each other for roleplay purposes.
@Farlander said in Sparring/Duels:
The beastlands will have no ability to damage other players. I know from my UO days often players from the same guild would like to spar or practice pvp. Also in SWG there was the option to duel someone. So I was wondering if this option might be considered for Fractured. This would allow players to damage each other by consent in the beastlands safely without interference from outside players. This would also allow organized pvp if groups can wage war on each other for roleplay purposes.
There's no inter-good karma PvP. But i do believe there should be duals.
Beast, and those with good karma, only help others. they dont wage war against like minded groups.
if you want to wage war then roll a human or demon.
While I'm not dead set against this idea, it does seem to beg the question, "why mess with a planet that's set up for cooperative building and PvE players when there are two other planets that folks who like to duel can play on?"
Players who consider dueling with one another to be an essential part of their gaming fun can find that among the Humans and the Demons, right?
@Farlander said in Sparring/Duels:
This would allow players to damage each other by consent in the beastlands safely without interference from outside players. This would also allow organized pvp if groups can wage war on each other for roleplay purposes.
Besides the exceptional beast-man who want to become an abomination (which he shall have to achieve on Syndesia and/or Tartaros anyway). I really don't see how this will fit in the whole Aboreus background/lore and good alinement. People with a healthy fond of PvP should roll a human or Demon. Thinking about this I get visions of Goldshire like duelling and roleplay. Please no !
I think in the sense of this, whoever wants this is a hardcore furry and likes PvP at the same time. The only thing that would sort of make sense on this kind of planet tho is PvP for dominance/leadership amongst a tribe, not between clans.
Beast folk could always travel to Syndesia and use arenas there for PvP practice. Traveling is kinda key point of the game, so traveling in this sense also makes sense.
Lore wise Arboreus is where peaceful folk live, so there aren't any war masters there to teach and train folk in PvP. So visit to Syndesia for the use of arenas, where there are also "war masters" makes sense.
@Gothix said in Sparring/Duels:
Beast folk could always travel to Syndesia and use arenas there for PvP practice. Traveling is kinda key point of the game, so traveling in this sense also makes sense.
Lore wise Arboreus is where peaceful folk live, so there aren't any war masters there to teach and train folk in PvP. So visit to Syndesia for the use of arenas, where there are also "war masters" makes sense.
animals play fight all the time. so long as there's no intent to kill, which is the point of a duel, duels should be good.
@Jetah said in Sparring/Duels:
@Gothix said in Sparring/Duels:
Beast folk could always travel to Syndesia and use arenas there for PvP practice. Traveling is kinda key point of the game, so traveling in this sense also makes sense.
Lore wise Arboreus is where peaceful folk live, so there aren't any war masters there to teach and train folk in PvP. So visit to Syndesia for the use of arenas, where there are also "war masters" makes sense.
animals play fight all the time. so long as there's no intent to kill, which is the point of a duel, duels should be good.
@Jetah said in Sparring/Duels:
@Gothix said in Sparring/Duels:
Beast folk could always travel to Syndesia and use arenas there for PvP practice. Traveling is kinda key point of the game, so traveling in this sense also makes sense.
Lore wise Arboreus is where peaceful folk live, so there aren't any war masters there to teach and train folk in PvP. So visit to Syndesia for the use of arenas, where there are also "war masters" makes sense.
animals play fight all the time. so long as there's no intent to kill, which is the point of a duel, duels should be good.
That's a really good point
maybe there is hope for friendly PvP on the beastfolk planet after all ^c^
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If I remember right in SWG when you did a duel, once your opponent was defeated they were knocked out. You could deliver a killing blow, but there was really no loss from death in SWG. You simply respawned at the med center.
@Meiki said in Sparring/Duels:
Sparring should be fine, as they are both honorable and the intent is not to kill the opponent, but to sparr. Duels are usually meant in a more serious way. So we could have Sparring on Arboreus and sparring/duels on Syndesia and duels on Tartaros with Sparring ending once one of the participants reaches 10% of their HP (at which point all damage, debuffs and dots caused by his opponent are cleansed) and duels ending when one of the participants loses consciousness.
We're using spar and duel as synonyms.
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but they are used that way. people who state said wrongs are told otherwise.
people use duel as they do because of video games calling it that, whether it's a spar or duel.
Of course there should be duel option for everyone regardless of the race or planet you are playing. If some people wants to play beastmen, that does not automatically mean they do not want to PvP at all. Some people just want PvP be more consensual. Duels are also great tool to help some people to practice PvP and get more confident to explore other planets. Duels are also generally really standard feature almost in every MMORPG.
And on top of that, humans and demons are able to raid some parts of Arboreus, so it is only fair if beastmen can practise to defend themselfs.
@Jetah I can see where u r coming from with that... maybe for fractured it can have altered names for the two types of fighting... like 'Friendly Battle' and 'Fight to the Death'... or come up with something both creative and definative as to which of the two fighting types you will be entering? That is, if they do end up bringing PvP to the game in this sort of sense...
Another idea, is simply having just a Friendly Battle option, and the fight to the death is the Open World PvP...
Sparring should be ok for beastman anything else would not fit into the lore.
I will play a beastman for the pvp free and relaxing environment.
Those who want to duell can go to the human or demon world and have their fun there.
For me it is like PvE / PvP servers with the ability to join these when certain conditions are fullfiled.
Let's assume you start a demon and you have progressed very well but you want no pvp anymore than you could go to the beastman world once the conditions are fullfilled and play in a PvP free environment.
I think that idea is great.
Having dueling feature (like other MMORPGs) does not actually have any downsides. No-one is forced to duel, but those who want to use dueling for practise or testing out new builds, its a great possibility.
The goblins, wolves, and elementals I've seen in content pills will all take real skill and strength to defeat, so it makes sense that even a pacifist Arborean would need to be able to defend themselves against attack in a competent way. The denizens of Tartarus might think of them as weak, but if they actually ARE weak, the game is badly flawed.
I'm envisioning a Holy Precinct (probably in Syndesia) in which champions from every race can represent their god in a ritual battle against the champions of other deities. That way, a beastling who has zero interest in killing or hurting another creature for sport might find some purpose a duel and see how well their PvE skills translate.
The duel itself would be considered an offering to the PC's patron deity, whether they win or lose the duel. Not sure what the reward system is for deity offerings at temples/shrines, but those could easily be applied.
Does that sound fun to anyone else? It sure sounds fun to me, and I'm about as PvE as a grrrrl gets.
Dueling is a basic and old game mechanic.
I would expect it to be in unless they have good reason for not doing so.