Concerning Knowledge
I've read through the postings on the topic of knowledge, talents and abilities. I was wondering if a character is capped on how much knowledge, talents or abilities they can learn. Can one character basically do everything by unlocking all skills with knowledge points? Can a character be both a fighter and a spell caster?
I've read a lot about this game, and while there's nothing about a cap on knowledge, something like that seems to be against the vision of a game about horizontal progression.
@Farlander You can unlock everything, but the attributes you choose at character creation are set in stone and will determine the effectiveness of your abilities. So for example, there's nothing stopping you from collecting spellcaster abilities but if your intelligence is only lvl 6, they're not going to be very effective.
So looking at this pic in the wiki
You are referring to the attributes, correct? I'm assuming that they work similar to D&D stats. Are you given a specific amount of stat points to spend? Is there a graph that shows bonuses/negatives based on the attribute value?
In games like UO I've seen players play hybrids effectively and I'm just wondering how effective it will be here in Fractured. I'm glad I will be in beta before the game releases to try some of this out before committing to a character build lol.
@Farlander That's correct. The alpha build had a character creation screen that let you put points into stats. You only had so many points, so you can't be good at everything.
@Farlander said in Concerning Knowledge:
You are referring to the attributes, correct?
The link you posted is from the talent tree. You can unlock everything in the talent tree once you unlock enough talent points. You gain talent points by spending a fixed amount of knowledge points, which you can do at any point in time. You can read more about this in the Fractured Spotlight #3
Knowledge points are also used to learn new skills. Every character, independent of class, can learn all skills!
You can read detailed information about attibutes in the Fractrued Spotlight #5, in short...
There are the attributes (there are currently no plans to add additional ones):
- STR (Strength)
- DEX (Dexterity)
- INT (Intelligence)
- CON (Constitution)
- PER (Perception)
- CHA (Charisma)
There is no detailed information on what stats each attribute gives yet, but in the spotlight you can read an explanation and what you can expect to gain from each attribute e.g.:
On character creation, as others have said, you will have to invest your so called creation points to level up specific attributes. Your character starts out with all attributes level 10, but you can lower the attribute to level 6. (If your attribute level is under 10, you start to suffer from some disadvantages e.g. STR increases your meele damage, so if you go under 10 we can assume your character will get some -% on meele damage as well as other deficits).
Leveling up an attribute does cost increased creation points with increased level, which you can see in this table:
As you can see, attribute score / level 10 and 18 are marked. You already know why 10 is highlighted, 18 is highlighted because it normally is the max. level of the attributes. This cap can change according to your race and sub race:
Every race (except humans) has an affinity for a specific attribute, those are the attributes hightlighted in blue and with +3, which means you can level up the attribute to 18 + 3 which is lv 21
. Leveling up an attribute your race has an affinity in also does cost less creation points (as you can see in table 1).
On the bottom of the table you can also see the amount of creation points you have. Since humans don´t have an affinity, they have additional creation points, so while they can´t be as good as other races in one specific area, you can make your character good in multiple areasAfter you asign the creation points to attributes in the character creation, you can´t change them anymore in game, there are however possbilities to increase the level of attributes in game as well e.g. the talent tree, maybe from gear / consumables (even humans can reach the magical number of lv 20!).
Thanks! I thought I had read everything but spotlight 5 I missed somewhere along the way. That one has the info I was looking for
@Farlander said in Concerning Knowledge:
Thanks! I thought I had read everything but spotlight 5 I missed somewhere along the way. That one has the info I was looking for
@Prometheus did mention that certain ranks of knowledge wouldn't be learned by everyone (unless you swap karma).