Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities
What we know about Asteroids?
Asteroids sounds really interesting concept even our knowledge of those are still quite limited. I tried to gather some base information and if I understood right, Asteroids are seasonal content where we can travel through portals. Every race has own access to Asteroids, so we could presume, that there will be three different type of Asteroids where content is based on different planets’ rules. In addition, even we travel via portal to kind of instanced area, still everybody are playing like in open world and not in separated instanced zones. I hope I got this part at least somehow right.What Asteroid concept could contain?
Idea of this thread is not actually guess or presume what Asteroids will contain. I was thinking, that we could more like discuss what kind of content Asteroids could have or what kind of possibilities concept like this may offer. So let’s jump straight on it. Here is some of my thoughts:Resources
Asteroids could have unique resources, which can be used for different crafting professions. Those craftable items does not need to be anything superior, just offer something different, more rare or slightly better. Asteroids usually consist of ice, metal, stone, dust and maybe even gas. So gatherable resources could be some kind of mix of those.There could even be resource creatures and/or bosses, which will drop certain type of resources when killed. Maybe even their dead bodies are gatherable, and bosses can be gathered by multiple players at the same time. Then especially those resource bosses can be very fun group and guild based activity.
Different size of Asteroids
There could be different size of Asteroids, which would all have own purpose. So on top of Asteroids there could be smaller Meteoroids and larger Planetoids.Meteoroid (small)
Asteroid (normal)
Planetoid (large)Asteroids can be the basic, normal size and most common form like planned and I am not suggesting any changes for that concept. Maybe some raid or at least world boss would be nice.
Meteoroids could actually be solo and/or small scale content, maybe a dungeon or something like that. Maybe you can get from there the same resources, but distinctly less than what you could get from Asteroids. Maybe you can get into Meteoroid from Asteroid for example.
Planetoids could be massive Asteroids, which appears rarely maybe just once in every Q or something like that. Now Planetoids will be shared by all races. There could be own content to every three races, but on top of that some shared content as well. This could be fun way to bring all races together. My intend is not to throw PvE centric players to wolves, so even there would be some PvP involved, there could be some restrictive factors. What kind of shared content that could be, I am not sure. Maybe someone could refine that idea further.. Because Planetoids are meant to be rare, there could be some kind of hardcore PvE content. Maybe really challenging raid and/or a wide open space with a lot of dangerous and rewarding elite mobs and bosses.
It would be one good option to add some ability unlocks and progressions happen in Asteroids. I am sure there will be such abilities which would suite fine with the theme. At least from crafting and some spells.So what you guys think? Have you thought anything similar? Or what is your opinion, what kind of features Asteroids could contain?
@Tuoni said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
Idea of this thread is not actually guess or presume what Asteroids will contain. I was thinking, that we could more like discuss what kind of content Asteroids could have or what kind of possibilities concept like this may offer.
Is not that guessing / presuming what kind of content asteroids will contain?
I always wonder, do people not watch the Q&As on the Fractured MMO Youtube Channel?
Jacopo talks ~ 10mins about Asteroids in the beginning of theThe only thing he does not mention in the video, which you talked about, are unique resources to asteroids. Resources which you can´t find on the three planets.
Imho content on asteroids is limitless. We can expect anything there. Jacopo talks about differnt sized ones, different appearence intervals, different resources, different rulesets... I am pretty sure we can expect anything our imagination has to offer (as long as it fits with the theme of Fractured) to be applicable to asteroids
@Eurav said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
@Tuoni said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
Idea of this thread is not actually guess or presume what Asteroids will contain. I was thinking, that we could more like discuss what kind of content Asteroids could have or what kind of possibilities concept like this may offer.
Is not that guessing / presuming what kind of content asteroids will contain?
I always wonder, do people not watch the Q&As on the Fractured MMO Youtube Channel?
I always wonder, why people do not focus on the actual points of threads?
@Tuoni Guess I will go back to only doing my daily then
I am sure I won´t miss the point of that thread!
@Eurav said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
@Tuoni said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
Idea of this thread is not actually guess or presume what Asteroids will contain. I was thinking, that we could more like discuss what kind of content Asteroids could have or what kind of possibilities concept like this may offer.
The only thing he does not mention in the video, which you talked about, are unique resources to asteroids. Resources which you can´t find on the three planets.
Jacopo talks about differnt sized ones, different appearence intervals, different resources, different rulesets...Yes, we both talk about resources, but I listed some what Jacopo did not mention. He also had less scientific approach what I did. He talked also about resource creatures, but not about if those could be gatherable once killed and how much there will be bosses for group content.
In addition, he focused on resources, biomes, ruins and knowledge. There was not much (or at all) mention about dungeons, raids or world bosses.
Jacopo talked also about different sizes, but my concept of Meteoroids and Planetoids were different what Jacopo was talking about. Unique naming and different content.
So I would appreciate if you would actually read my post before saying there was only one difference.
@Eurav said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
Imho content on asteroids is limitless. We can expect anything there.
And because of this reason (like headline says) I started this discussion. I was also courious heard what kind of ideas other people have related for Asteroids. You totally miss that main point. Maybe other people shares their ideas..
i'm more curious how we get to said asteroid.
@Jetah said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
i'm more curious how we get to said asteroid.
So even we know we get there via portal, you are interested to know how that actually happens in practise, right?
I hope to find fragments of the lore there. Like traces of the powerful magic that threw elysium in chaos. So perhaps we can unlock some special spells outside of the knowledge system.
@Sindariya said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
I hope to find fragments of the lore there. Like traces of the powerful magic that threw elysium in chaos. So perhaps we can unlock some special spells outside of the knowledge system.
I like that asteroid fragment and lore idea. It would be same time interesting to read more about the lore and get some benefits as well.
I was straight away thinking some kind of meteor shower AoE spell or something like that.
Lets say if devs does not want to add new abilities outside of the knowledge system, then maybe these fragments could be augments, which can change current spells more approriate for asteroid theme? Or maybe those fragments could be parts of some relic items what will be in Fractured anyway?
@Tuoni said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
@Jetah said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
i'm more curious how we get to said asteroid.
So even we know we get there via portal, you are interested to know how that actually happens in practise, right?
I will continue from here.. I am curious too how we actually get to the surface of asteroids. Will there be random or constant portal places? How and when those portals will open?
i assume they'll randomly appear. but who knows.
Perhaps we can unlock hidden spells/skills from the skill book or not a special theme but unlock the highest level.Furthermore I want to see a special biome, not one from the planets. There should be also special animals that could have a stellar/aether/nether theme since they were so long in space and changed.
@Sindariya said in Asteroids offers a good amount of possibilities:
Furthermore I want to see a special biome, not one from the planets. There should be also special animals that could have a stellar/aether/nether theme since they were so long in space and changed.
Prometheus mentioned that they have planned to implement different kind of biomes, and which are not always scientific-wise. I personally hope as well to see different biome types rather than those we already have in three main planets. That would make asteroids much more interesting from exploration point of view. Unique animals like you mentioned would make sense as well and that way open access to new resources. Not all animals and creatures needs to be totally new concepts, there can be same animals than in planets, but someway evolved and mold to suite asteroid theme.
I personally like to see more scientific approach. It will give you feel that you are actually in asteroid and not just in other world where you travel through portal. What I understood they have planned kind of both and maybe that is good middle road solution and opens more possibilities.