How many active skills will a player be able to use in a fight?
From what I understand, we will be able to "deck out" our talents while resting. Does this also apply to spell/skills or will the player be able to use any off the 400+ spells (provided he has learned them and has the required resources) at any given time? Also, will there be any skill interactions that would encourage players to coordinate their attacks?
@darian said in How many active skills will a player be able to use in a fight?:
From what I understand, we will be able to "deck out" our talents while resting. Does this also apply to spell/skills or will the player be able to use any off the 400+ spells (provided he has learned them and has the required resources) at any given time? Also, will there be any skill interactions that would encourage players to coordinate their attacks?
Yes, it applies to abilities too. You can only choose a few for use from all the ones you know - and if you've picked more than the hotbar can hold (possible with high INT), you can't use the additional ones in combat - but you can switch them in the hotbar when out of combat without having to rest. The Resting phase will be detailed in the next spotlight anyway
And sure - there are plenty of synergies, plus environmental effects have a million interactions with each other
@prometheus said in How many active skills will a player be able to use in a fight?:
... there are plenty of synergies, plus environmental effects have a million interactions with each other
Sounds like QA is going to be fun.