A question about types of characters ..
@gofrit Sure .. .https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-5-character-creation-attributes-resting/ --- Character table
@theseeker 10 is the baseline for all stats. 6 is the lowest you can go but you start getting negatives when you go below 10.
@theseeker You start at 6 for each stat and you can go to 18+/- bonus/malus stat of the race. to go up, you need to spend points from your pool points. To go to 10 for each stat you need to spend 6 point for your affinity (cyan color cell) and 10 points for others so 56pts already spent.
Like @Target say, you could let a 6 on stat (int here for sample) but we didn't know yet which effect that could trigger (only a "better no to do it" by Prometheus)... and in my opinion, going with a 6 on INT not the best option where knowledge is important.
Going to a 9 or 8 could give 2 or 4 points to up an another stats but frankly speaking even on a RPG (paper-and-pencil old school) it's freaking to do it when we are blind on all aspect and consequences... (in general, big malus on safe-test-roll)And yes, you could be what you want in Fractured a mercenary with no muscle or a mage with no power... or a battle-mage with an ice sword in heavy armor launching fireball by his... (hum hum sorry I get too excited)
@gofrit Yeah i am jsut stupid bcs i saw a table with attributes and this stuu and stop reading about it soo