July 24th Housing & Towns Q&A: List Your Questions
If I'm not mistaken, we will need shops/taverns/warehouses/banks/walls for our towns and none off those will be player run. How will the governor of a town build them? Will he have to go to his own townspeople and exchange tax-money for lumber and then construct the building in the same way as a player constructs his private home?
Can player houses have basements?
Variations have been asked, but: What happens if a Kickstarter-Governor is forcibly removed due to town conquest?
Can a kickstarter-governor have a town on each character?
Q#1. Can we build an Altar inside our house, to worship the gods?
Q#2. Can we build a portal in our house, that can be activated, whenever we bring the resources to it inside our home.
Q#3. Can we make visible ingame advertisements with player names, and propaganda signs for rallying/campaigning for Votes?
| Prometheus For Governor! Vote Now!!|
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What race specific technologies exist housing/town wise that may impact the choice of race a player takes? Will beastman houses decay slower when made of natural materials for example? Will humans be able to integrate technology into their homes and towns, such as build robots to protect them, rather than rely only on npcs? Will demons be able to use demon magic to make their homes and towns less detectable?
Will be aviable to enter in a player house meanwhile the door is open and steal from the unlucked chests? like in Uo.
If i build a house in a city that my guild lost, what happend to that house? How i can transfer my goods from there? is there a safe mode?
Is there a storage system that vary from the bp of our home?
How does Building decay work and how much time\resources do i need to stop that? Like in UO was succificient to open the door to make a refresh that was counting for .. depending on the server 14\30gg..
Are domesticated farm animals able to be sold or traded?
Will there be farm plots for crops?
Will towns have guild specific towns have a sort of waypoint for guild members to spawn or respawn there?
- What are your thoughts, on maybe having a in-game set of armor for Governors who got voted in through in-game, so they are still recognizable that they are Governors.
It can be less cool looking than the pledged based armor... I get it, but I think they need to stand out as-well being they are still governors.
- When can we expect pictures of the pledge-based manors?
Is there a way to sell or destroy your house??