How will stealth work?
I'm wondering how other players are detected, is there a mini-map that shows all players nearby like some MMOs or will players be hidden until you see them? Will their identity hover over them constantly or is their a way to hide it? I want to know how sneaking up on players or hiding from a group is possible.
@heartinthepipes said in How will stealth work?:
Will their identity hover over them constantly or is their a way to hide it?
I would love to see a way to go incognito if some people were targeting you, I think that'd be a really phenomenal addition.
@heartinthepipes I doubt that the minimap will show hidden (invi) enemies. If there are invis for sure there will be spells/consumable to turn them visible, like happen in the most common mobas.
i just hope it quietly works.
@jetah everything will be counterable somehow ^^
dead people can't counter!
@jetah If you can canunter invisibility I don't see the problem. If we are able to craft wards like in Dota would be fine. There should be also spell to give vision like "hunter flare" and things like that.
Or you have to depend on your eyes, if you picked a human race then you don't get any bonuses.
@jetah I'm not talking about racials
I'm talking about knowledge abilities and consumables (like this or this one). Obviusly you need to pick the right things to counter invi. I also hope to see something like this craftable.
why do you assume every skill will have a counter? They haven't even mentioned how stealth will work. It could be a temporary ability meant just to ambush. It could be perma invisibility but have more outlines indicating something is there. Beastkin could use smell to 'see' invisible players. It might not be invisibility at all and be more camouflage.
@jetah I have no clue how the spells will be. but for sure time by time they have to balance everything and invi is one of the most common things that needs to be countered. There are many ways as I said. Smell could be another one too.
@finland said in How will stealth work?:
@jetah I have no clue how the spells will be. but for sure time by time they have to balance everything and invi is one of the most common things that needs to be countered. There are many ways as I said. Smell could be another one too.
Basically this. There have to be ways to counter it else it becomes too dominate. For example in DotA when playing low ranked games heroes like clinks, Riki, and bounty Hunter stomp pubs because no one buys sentries or revealing dust. Even in games with short duration invis like gw2, (which had no counters at first), they had to add counters eventually because it was becoming too dominate
@dudewithpizza I know I have suggested things from dota if you read up
What is stealth is only active for 5 seconds? Why would it need a counter?
@jetah Not sure. I think Albion has 1 stealth ability and it lasts around 7 seconds and they still have a stealth counter. At the same time though I only ever seen stealth used in Albion to disengage in PvP or to skip content in PvE.
With that in mind though I would like to add that I personally don't think stealth should be a guaranteed escape or get out of jail free card all of the time. I do think it should work most of the time because nobody wants to build a character with useless abilities, but you should occasional have to face someone who can track you somehow.
I'm with you on that one. I'd prefer more of a camouflage than actual stealth. However I'm ok with illusions, for some odd reason.
@dudewithpizza There are no items/consumables in ALbion to reveal Invisibles. So also 7 second are too OP considering you can kill people in less.
@Jetah do you mean a GFX camouflage that looks like this (The NEW