Daily Message posting
waves Heya!
pokes everywhere around
gains 50 foundation points
I guess we could use a daily spam thread
It's sometimes really hard to come up with anything worthwhile to say and there's not always new people to be welcomed so this could serve as an easy backup!
hey! have a good day everyone!
time here
easy and fast, nice
ehy boii
I'll have my daily points as well!
Hi, nice thread
Seems a nice idea hehe. Welcome
guess whos back
@oobenonioo who??
RolanStorm TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Sep 1, 2017, 7:07 AM last edited by RolanStorm Sep 1, 2017, 7:08 AM
Hi dear sir !
@alta2215 Hiiii!!!
Another day, another post ahahaha
Good morning!
Hello there then ahah
post XdD
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