Int and Cha required stats? = Unbalanced?

  • @Xzait
    The max we could get so far in a stat was 22 (18 human cap + 2 amulet enchant + 2 talents). Every attribute has some bonus after you reach 20points, but as you said, I don't think they were implemented yet.



    You could have up to 28 in a stat thanks to gear like troll hide and heavy armor which gave you +1 stat for each piece worn.


    I think that the prevalence of power word silence as the go to pvp skill / strategy gives more evidence and weight to my initial concerns that int and cha are required stats.
    This alpha seems to have proven that high willpower (from int, talents, enchants) and high charisma (from stat or gold equipment only available to tanks) are very much necessary for pvp.
    At this time in this alpha it would seem that light armor classes are crushed by melee classes with high charisma (from gold metal armor/weapons) and willpower (from talents/enchants or moderate int) as they are free to use power word silence to nullify the light armors edge of having access to more abilities and laugh at light armors inability to match or counter metal armors stat boosts.

  • Moderator

    The post you are answering is half a month old 💺

    Between that time and now, INT requirement was lowered thanks to 5 additional memory points, and Silence was just nerfed.

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