Latest Q&A transcription between Prometheus and MorrolanTV
Putting this into it's own topic in case anyone is interested. I originally posted it in another thread.
I think this happened on 8/6 - Twitch doesn't seem to tag the videos with dates, just a label "X days ago".
Now we need someone experienced with cypher analysis to decrypt from existing text, hidden secrets Prometheus has embeded inside it, only for the most faithful followers.
On topic: great job once again
Thanks for this @kellewic ! I was able to find lots of interesting stuff with ^F about enchantments & mounts. Others with different interests can 'FIND' whatever search word they're interested in. But the transcription was the hard part,
Wow, thank you much @kellewic
@kellewic Thank you so much. It is so much faster to read the transcript than to listen to the video and it is searchable as well.I wish I could give you a prize.
@StormBug I agree. I do it for myself anyway so figured I can share
I like to refer back to the text if I want to refresh my memory on a given point and trying to do that in a video is quite difficult.
I have the previous one transcribed as well so will post in a new topic since it also covers recent stuff - the one from Oxfurd on May 3rd.