Other mmo?
@sharo I played WoW for over 11 years Taurend Resto druid (since vanilla)
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@finland 11 years? Thats a lot :D! I play mostly mage but am taking a break right now, waiting for BfA
@sharo I was thinking to go back on Classic ^^ dunno when they will release it. What alignment do you plan to play on Fractured?
@finland human, chaotic neutral, btw I want to get invested in the community so I send a request to join your guild
Considering MMORPGs I am playing GW2(mainly) and ESO. Anything else are R6S, PUBG, Ironsight,etc.
I could use some people for playing GW2 or ESO thoPM me if you wanna play either of them, or something else.
@stormy I play GW2, what server tho?
@sharo oh nice, but chaotic good would be better cause once the game goes live will be restricted to good (chaotic-neutral-lawfull). Anyway Welcome aboard
Awfull hopping habit between WOW, ESO, GW2 and FF14 =P Veeery ocasionally D3 and PoE
RPG wise, I've mostly been playing Path of Exile.
Besides that I enjoy adventure puzzle games like The Witness and The Talos Principle
Hi! Haven't really played anything but racing sims for a while now. I might give bless a try when the early acces starts.
@pulssi I'm scared abit about Bless. Dunno why but I think it will be Archage 2.0 so P2W.
I am playing in EVE Online and Archeage. On mobile sometimes in Albion Online
great game with epic market https://www.sellersandfriends.com
gw2 atm, waiting for WvW rework
Been playing some ffxi a lot recently. Tried getting into ESO but wasn't really able to enjoy it.
@vannten I'm on EVE right now. Though not necessarily playing all that heavily. Just get on for PVP roams and such in between other games.
@sharo I play on EU: Piken Square. I don't really play WvW, and it will change regarding worlds so only EU matters
overwatch and destiny 2 new dlc. wanting to get into wow so i can get that paladin mage tower skin.
@jetah Do you play OW for fun or do you go just for ranked?
@finland only placement for ranked. i prefer qp.