PK punishment


    deberian poner precio a la cabeza de la persona que te mató, un cartel de wanted, pones precio y el primero que lo mate y vaya a la cartelera cobra el pago. así hay jugadores pk y hay jugadores quienes se dedicaran a defender a los pve, serian pvm (mercenarios) xD le da vida al juego


    One of the biggest fails imo opinion are the situation when players that are becoming "rogues" and doesn't suffer the consequences from it... ie these rogue players having "safe" zones/cities...

    There should be none of such... they can of course create own zones/cities where they perform their trades... but again not any sanctioned ones by the game design. Choosing a rogue playstyle should come with it's cost.... you kill to get what you need and that should come by you always being hunted by those you have angered.

    So I certainly don't want any safe zones where I basically can sit and laugh at the ones I consistantly have killed without risking anything.


  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @raptorixx said in PK punishment:

    One of the biggest fails imo opinion are the situation when players that are becoming "rogues" and doesn't suffer the consequences from it... ie these rogue players having "safe" zones/cities...

    There should be none of such... they can of course create own zones/cities where they perform their trades... but again not any sanctioned ones by the game design. Choosing a rogue playstyle should come with it's cost.... you kill to get what you need and that should come by you always being hunted by those you have angered.

    So I certainly don't want any safe zones where I basically can sit and laugh at the ones I consistantly have killed without risking anything.


    You are totally right I suggested something similar for 2 planets ( syndesia and arboreus) where evil, bad karma and flagged (thiefs and assassins) players will be restricted to join cities in a situation where npc can turn to hunt them down. Obviusly not on Tartaros that's a lowless planet ;). I happy to see more players with my and my guild play stile anyway 😛

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix said in PK punishment:

    Any why should every MMO punish PK?
    (I do not grief or gank myself, but It does go on my nerves seeing people asking for safety in every MMO that comes out. Realize that you are NOT playing single player or CO-OP game. Grow a pair and play like a man.)

    Since when killing an unsuspecting PvE player makes you a man? I'd say it's the opposite.

    And not what I really wanted but the game will punish PKers with Murderer status for 2 days RL time.


    @tulukaruk the system should work so that it takes someone else being there to 'report' the murder. if no one is there then no one would know.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Well, the devs already talked about the pvp system and ideas on each planet. This game is trying to go towards the direction of creating different planets for different types of players. If people want PVP with less punishment => Tartaros. Don't like pvp? => Arboreus.

    Does it suck if you want to be a demon but play in Arboreus? Yeah, I talked about this in another thread too, but that is a con of the system players have to suffer.

    @Jetah I think I've seen games like that, the "report" crime thing (like in archeage).

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I hope to see NPCs haunt down flagged players on Syndesia and Arboreus. Evil Players must have no life there like would be in real live with police haunting them. If you want be an assassin without be punished go play an FPS/MOBA.


    @finland said in PK punishment:

    I hope to see NPCs haunt down flagged players on Syndesia and Arboreus.

    To add balance, NPC should hunt down all "positive karma" players on Tartaros and on Syndesia in all zones controlled by evil guilds.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    If there is going to be some sort of rep based punishment system, just playtest it thoroughly before implementation please. The last thing you need is to segregate your player base to much because of a poorly implemented numbers problem.


    I feel that if there were punishments everywhere it would just get annoying for a majority of people, I'd rather restrict the areas that someone can PK in than to punish them for doing it


    Punishment for PvP is shameful in any Sandbox... if anything restrict the area PvP is allowed (like Oldschool RuneScape in the Wilderness) and have no punishment, full loot PvP and maybe grow from there if it isn't already set-in-stone for how PvP works?

    I've played Albion Online for years and love the open world roaming and being able to kill people for their loot in Black Zones with no punishment because the people there know it's Risk vs Reward since the resources are a lot better, silver and fame is better, but they risk dying to players.

    I hope this game doesn't fail when it comes to PvP as a lot of people have been looking for the next MMO Full Loot PvP game to play as Albion failed so many of us.

  • Moderator

    @Kostan @HelloImZero @Robinhoodrs There are 3 different planets with 3 different rulesets, that's probably the biggest segregation you will see. Fractured wants to attract a wide range of players so some segregation was necessary to appeal to both PvE and PvP players.

    Arboreus is aimed at PvE players.
    Syndesia is aimed at both. It doesn't have safe zones like Arboreus, but murdering and stealing does have consequences.
    Tartaros is a planet for those who like PvP without consequences. You can freely kill players there without having to worry about flags, punishments, etc.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I gathered that from my reading, I just hope that the "punishment" in Syndesia isn't too harsh that you see it taper off to non existence. If its meant to be a part of that shard, then I hope it stays that way and the consequences dont result in abandonment.


    Tartaros is it then!

    Start building Echo of Silence now. And is there guild territories like AO? Can guilds own certain zones or no?

  • Moderator

    @robinhoodrs Guilds will be able to build their own cities. More information on that in the next spotlight. I also want to add that all 3 planets have their own unique resources, and while they aren't strictly better or worse, it will give each planet something unique. If a Beastman or Human wants a resource from Tartaros, they will have to go there or find someone willing to sell it to them.

    @Kostan You can find more about punishments here. Many cities will be run by guilds, so there's nothing stopping an evil guild from creating a safehaven for evil players on Syndesia.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Yo @Robinhoodrs I'll run EOS city les gooooo


    May EOS rule the world once again


    is EOS boys

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    we dem boys. EOS city amirite?

  • EOS wins again

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