Will I be able to run it?
I use a laptop with an i5 processor (physical dual core, logical quad core), NVidia GeForce 1Gb and 4Gb Ram, will I be able to run this game? I have a 120 Mbps Internet.
Give ma half of your connection speed, and I will give you half of my hardware, and we should be fine
We don´t really have any system requirements on this game yet, and nobody has played it yet... so...
all we know is (from the FAQ of the Homepage):
Thank you for your reply Eurav, I'm new in this forum, could you help me with one more thing? Do you know if its possible to have a little banner as signature like I have in other games' forums? Or is it just possible plain text?
@willdragon as i know you just can insert text and some text formatting with markdown language, like making the text bold, italic, bold italic, and using brackets to make links.
Not all formatting that you can do in posts you can use in Signature.
If there will be other things planned for signature use, just @Specter can clearify for us.
Ty for clarify that Kralith.
@willdragon For banners, put this in your sig:

@specter Nice, did not thought image urls also works.
Always learning new things with your advice