Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
Really hope I'm able to get a key.
I tried to cast in metal, and that's what happened. Copper.
This pendant, it is true cracked-marriage .. Fractured xD. I can make a ring for example, and send it to programmers if they are motivated
This system is so cool!
It is an awesome and rewarding way to promote a great community that will foster this amazing game.
See you around!
@ritor that is so cool! Congrats
That looks awesome, great work!
@ritor It's nice
necklace with this would be awesome
This game is really taking off in popularity.
Even in circles where I didn't think this game would gain traction or a hold, it is and people keep asking me about it.
Really looking forward to seeing how this shapes up over the next few years.
Made a topic on the Gloria Victis forum about FracturedMMO in GV - Offtopic - Games section. Been with that game from the beginning too
This is a snip of a comment I placed on my Discord server for my twitch channel.
This is the link to the discord if you want to confirm it:
The post is in the general chat
I cant wait to see this game when its done!
Pretty good idea
I really appreciat the foundation system ! We are already in the game doing quest and that is funny ! Keep going !
excited to see the result of all this work
WhoAteTheCat TF#6 - DIPLOMAT May 20, 2018, 11:07 AM last edited by WhoAteTheCat May 20, 2018, 11:11 AM
"Come on men, not much longer. We'll soon arrive at the city, we've done this countless times before quit your complaining!" I shout back over the howling blizzard that pushes down on us and turns our bones to ice.
I look back and see my mercenary company, a crew of Udoadra all clad in armour carrying weapons to protect the caravan against bandits.
"Glim, I've noticed something over the summit of this hill. Bandits have created a stockade, sir." Puffed my second in command, Phargought."hmmph. Good thing, a little fighting always helps to warm up ones self."
I unsheathe my sword and swing my shield from my back. I release a mighty Nheedra roar, letting the bandits know we're coming.
Jeah promote and get a nice community
I hope you can do it
Nice system to promote and reward player.
Makes the community even more connected.
How do i get a drawing, trying yo understand a bit more here.
I posted an update in regards to the KS packages on this gaming site (5k uniques a week) that includes the gameplay footage video showing SpatialOS etc.
That looks awesome, great work!