What game(s) are you playing at the moment?
Currently started playing Tibia to feed my mmo addiction, also playing Oblivion and tekken 7 on the side.
@grimalkin currently playing horizen zero dawn n Whitcher 3 but I've always wanted to play tekken
The Witcher 3, Overwatch, Fifa 17 and sometime H1Z1/Pubg
Dark and Light
lol, spellforce, riders of icarus
Albion and waiting for fractured
On PC I'm spending most of my time in Project Gorgon, Citadel: Forged With Fire, and PUBG. On PS4 I play a bit of SMITE. I check in on Dark & Light now and then to see it's progress, as well as Tangledeep.
@mikey14117 Tekken is really fun but I'm not that good at fighting games and the learning curve is steep.
I play the occasional League of Legends, but that's about it at the moment.
Taking a break from MMOs as they're becoming stale, just playing BF1.
Overwatch mainly
@grimalkin just started ESO newest expansion it's pretty fun
FTL (addicted to this) and I am going to finish Fallout 4, been meaning to do this for quite a while lol.
Just got hooked up on NMS.
After a year of waiting on the sidelines, looking at the patches (that year itself following one of following the game pre-release), I recently jumped in, this week after the last major patch, and with very low expectations. I could talk of (what I believe are) a few shortcomings in the game, but I right now I also manage to appreciate it for what it is, right now. So, heh.
Curious to know those of you who played, how many hours have any of you lasted on NMS?
@holyavengerone said in What game(s) are you playing at the moment?:
Just got hooked up on NMS.
[...]Curious to know those of you who played, how many hours have any of you lasted on NMS?
I put about 40 hours into No Man's Sky the first time around, and another 2 or 3 at the last patch this past winter. With this new patch, I've logged about 5 hours so far, and intend to continue playing for as long as it holds my attention. It's shaping up to be the game it was intended to be, at this point.
Path of Exile for now. Enjoying the full experience after the latest expansion
A bit of Foxhole on the side and gaming through some older games I didn't try until now. No real MMO right now though.
@mikey14117 I've always wanted to try ESO but never gotten around to giving it a shot because I have such a long backlog of games.
Albion Online, still Diablo 3 after all these years, and alternating between Fable Fortune and Our Darker Purpose.
@grimalkin you should definitely try it! It's in my opinion the best mmo out right now n very easy to get into !
HolyAvengerOne TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Aug 16, 2017, 12:30 AM last edited by HolyAvengerOne Aug 16, 2017, 12:33 AM
@mikey14117 said in What game(s) are you playing at the moment?:
@grimalkin you should definitely try it! It's in my opinion the best mmo out right now n very easy to get into !
I think ESO is a very well-rounded, solid MMO. Nothing spectacularly revolutionary, more like evolutionary. But what it does, it largely does it very well, imho. I think it's the best in that sub-genre. Very well executed.
@vahn said in What game(s) are you playing at the moment?:
It's shaping up to be the game it was intended to be, at this point.
That's good to hear! From what I read of the features that have been added in the last year, that's also how it sounded to me. I hope they continue on that trend!