Simple Requests/Suggestions


    There are quite a few things that would be convenient to have in Fractured which would improve the quality of life for those that play it.

    These are a few requests or suggestions that I have in mind, and I'll edit more in whenever inspiration randomly sets in:


    • Recipes for different forms of writing material such as tablets (e.g., stone and wax), paper (e.g., papyrus, parchment, amate, et cetera), and books made of the former two writing materials that can be used for literature or notetaking.
    • Recipes for sources of light that can be toggled, placed down, and equipped in the off-hand such as temporary torches and refuellable lanterns.


    • Persistence of movement command over U.I. elements. (I.e., currently, holding LMB to make a character follow the cursor does not persist when moving the cursor over a U.I. elements, such as the hotbar and the mini-map, which causes the character to abruptly halt until LMB is released then held down again away from the U.I. elements.)
    • Search parameters for the 'Abilities' tab in the Skills and Abilities Window.
    • Helpful chat commands such as '/unstuck' with a cooldown.
    • Inventory—this includes storage units—filters and sorting.
    • A multifaceted chat interface with the ability to create separate chat tabs with filters in addition to being able to cycle between chat channels with 'TAB' when the caret is active in the text field.
    • Ability to lock the hotbar to prevent the accidental rearrangement of abilities.
    • Camera orientation. (I know this was declined due to an issue related to incomplete assets, but I still firmly believe in camera orientation being very important in games such as these due to field of vision being only as far as the length of the height and width of a monitor in addition to avoidance of getting stuck and interactables being obscured.)
      • Map
        • Customizable map markers/pins and notes.
        • Ability to draw on the mini and world map. (I.e., if the world map, it persists and can be erased for the purpose for notetaking. If the mini-map, it lingers before disappearing for group coordination.)
        • Ping System for the mini and world map for group coordination.
        • Markers on the world map for showing group members' locations.


    • Ability to pay a harbor's travel free from our banks. Alternatively, the weight of gold could be removed, the harbor's equation could be made to ignore the weight of gold, or—as suggested by someone else—bank checks could be introduced. (I.e., harbors currently require gold to be carried to pay their requested travel fees and the weight of carried gold gets factored into the equation which may raise the travel fee by an amount or an unseen decimal that prevents the exact amount from being paid unless it is one gold less than the travel fee or if much more gold than the further risen travel fee is being carried.)
    • Ability to break down Stone Blocks into Small Stones.
    • Ability to dual-wield shields whenever dual-wielding is implemented.

    User Interface

    • Adjustable font size.
    • Moveable and resizable U.I. elements. (Being able to resize the mini-map could work in tandem with the second and third suggestion under the 'Map' category.)
    • Verbose tooltips for information that does not have them. (I.e., hovering the cursor over the attributes and statistics should tell a player what they provide and what they affect likewise with the boons and maladies underneath our resource bars at the top left of the screen.)
    • A way to track a specific creature's knowledge progression and a specific armor or weapon type's mastery outside of the Book of Knowledge Window.


    • Faint gold or white sparkles on corpses that still possess loot.

    (Seems like I have to clarify this, but NONE of my suggestions are assumed to take precedence over anything else that needs to be added, fixed, or suggested nor are they being claimed to be of great importance. Those are things that are up for the Developers to decide amongst themselves. I'm just making a list of things I'd like to see in the game someday.)

  • Content Creator

    @Fi said in Simple Request/Suggestions:

    Customizable map markers/pins and notes.

    This has been asked for numerous times, possibly after Launch I expect.

    Ability to pay a harbor's travel free from our banks. Alternatively, the weight of gold could be removed or the harbor's equation could be made to ignore the weight of gold. (i.e., Harbors currently require gold to be carried to pay their requested travel fees and the weight of carried gold gets factored into the equation which may raise the travel fee by an amount or an unseen decimal that prevents the exact amount from being paid unless it is one gold less than the travel fee or if much more gold than the further risen travel fee is being carried.)

    I've never ever had the unseen decimal problem.
    As to the pay from the bank issue, like with markets, others can deposit into someone's account, but not withdraw anything...that is how banks/moneylenders worked in medieval times. You couldn't pay for things out of your coffers, but you could make arrangements to receive payments directly into them...the game handles this well.
    As to Weight of gold being ignored in paying harbor fees, I could get behind that, specifically, only to save from having to go back and forth from the bank 2 or 3 times get figure out your travel funds.

    Verbose tooltips for information that does not have them. (e.g., Hovering the cursor the attributes and statistics should tell a player what they provide and what they affect.)

    A bit much for a tooltip, so I understand why they wouldn't want to do this!

    Persistence of movement command over U.I. elements. (i.e., Currently, holding LMB to make a character follow the cursor does not persist when moving the cursor over a U.I. elements such as the hotbar or the mini-map which causes the character to abruptly halt until LMB is clicked or held again.)

    This may not be something doable. In order to keep LMB as possible for interaction with UI elements, they may need to 'stop' drag function when hover-over is achieved and the code around might not be worth the small benefit.

    Recipes for different forms of writing material such as stone tablets, paper (e.g., papyrus, parchment, amate, et cetera), and books that can be used for literature or notetaking.

    Interesting thought, but there are quite a few other crafts, like cooking/fishing that I think are more a priority.

    Helpful chat commands such as '/unstuck' with a cooldown.

    don't use in-game chat, so no opinion

    A multifaceted chat interface with the ability to create separate chat tabs with filters in addition to being able to cycle between chat channels with 'TAB' when the caret is active in the text field.

    Again, don't use in-game chat (the font is too small for me to easily read and play at the same time)

    Inventory filters and sorting.

    Inventory isn't really big enough for this to be major. Autostacking might be nice though.

    Moveable U.I. elements.

    May not be worth the extra code it would take...movable/dockable UIs can be a mess to code.


    @GamerSeuss said in Simple Request/Suggestions:

    This has been asked for numerous times, possibly after Launch I expect.

    Then that's good.

    The more people that want it; the higher chance of it being considered and possibly added at some point.

    I've never ever had the unseen decimal problem.
    As to the pay from the bank issue, like with markets, others can deposit into someone's account, but not withdraw anything...that is how banks/moneylenders worked in medieval times. You couldn't pay for things out of your coffers, but you could make arrangements to receive payments directly into them...the game handles this well.
    As to Weight of gold being ignored in paying harbor fees, I could get behind that, specifically, only to save from having to go back and forth from the bank 2 or 3 times get figure out your travel funds.

    The unseen decimal problem is when you have the exact amount of gold within your inventory that the harbor is requesting you to pay as the travel fee; however, nothing happens when you click 'Travel' because the travel fee it is requesting you to pay is actually more than what you have in your inventory. (i.e., Travel fee is shown as 1000g, and you have 1000g in your inventory, but it is actually 1,000.4g.)

    I'm fine with any of the three options—or really any other option like the suggestion I saw someone make about bank checks (similarly to the way U.O. did it)—as long as the weight of gold is not being calculated.

    A bit much for a tooltip, so I understand why they wouldn't want to do this!

    It's not a bit much. At the moment, there is no information about any boon, any malady, any attribute, nor any statistic that is derived from an attribute in the game, and we have to refer to a wiki for basic knowledge about what an attribute does and provides and what the statistics (i.e., Fortitude under Constitution) provides.

    I'm sure they can find some way to simplify the information to prevent the tooltips from becoming too large like they did for the ability tooltips.

    This may not be something doable. In order to keep LMB as possible for interaction with UI elements, they may need to 'stop' drag function when hover-over is achieved and the code around might not be worth the small benefit.

    It's possible in other games; it can be made possible here.

    If the LMB (the player) needs to interact with their U.I elements, they simply need to let go of LMB then click on whichever U.I. element they need at that moment then resume holding LMB to move.

    U.I. elements should not interrupt movement, and this is one of the first few games—probably the only game since I can't remember any other—with this issue.

    Interesting thought, but there are quite a few other crafts, like cooking/fishing that I think are more a priority.

    That's fine, I'm in no hurry to have anything I suggested to be implemented as soon as possible (nor did I say as much).

    Other things having higher priority doesn't mean new things can be suggested. They can co-exist on a list.

    Again, don't use in-game chat (the font is too small for me to easily read and play at the same time)

    I agree that the font is rather small, and they could remedy that with a setting for font size but I imagine more customization of the U.I. will come later in time—hopefully.

    Inventory isn't really big enough for this to be major. Autostacking might be nice though.

    I'm also referring to storage units when I say 'Inventory', and being able to filter and sort all forms of inventory would make inventory management easier to deal with since I often find myself having to reorganize my own inventory often and chests in the city my character lives in.

    May not be worth the extra code it would take...movable/dockable UIs can be a mess to code.

    Right now? Yes, it would be a mess since they have other things to worry about creating and fixing.

    In the future? There would be more opportunities to make such a thing possible as it is already possible for certain windows we can open. Also, let's... please leave the assessment on rather something that needs creation then implementation would be difficult/a mess/troublesome/(un)doable to the actual developers.

  • Content Creator

    @Fi said in Simple Request/Suggestions:

    Also, let's... please leave the assessment on rather something that needs creation then implementation would be difficult/a mess/troublesome/(un)doable to the actual developers.

    Ah, No, this is how I talk/respond, I give assessments, especially as some readers may not know what goes into coding. I am not disrespectful when I do so, so overlook it if you don't like it, but don't inform me on how to respond, please take what you want, and leave the rest


    @GamerSeuss I've seen you do this multiple times in other threads, and all it does is flippantly dismiss in a disingenuous manner what other people have been proposing without actually addressing how it would or wouldn't benefit the game according to the topic of the entire discussion.

    The only people who should make such assessments are the Developers of the game and of the intended feedback—not fellow players.

    but don't inform me on how to respond

    Not trying to understand how your words affect others and being defensive about it is disrespectful to those who just want to help better a game. If you can't be considerate, you shouldn't be responding to anyone's feedback and suggestions here.

    This is the only response I'm making to this derailment because I'd rather stay on topic.

  • Content Creator

    actually, to clarify: I intentionally respond with this kind of information, and I have the ability to do so, because I am a game developer, and teach game design.

    Developers won't say generally how hard/easy something will be to implement, because for them to do so will be written off as an excuse, but by me, not one of their developers, pointing out when things are harder/easier to implement, I am informing others who may not know the ins and outs of programming, what parts of things are harder/easier to implement, thus granting some empathy and understanding for the developers, without the developers having to come in and do so (where it just gets written off as them making excuses)

    1. Show some empathy
    2. Realize if you don't need the information in someone's response, that doesn't mean someone else doesn't
    3. I am not dismissing anything by what I say, because A> I'm not the Developers, and B> I'm not saying something cannot be done, or even that it shouldn't, I am merely informing about the logistics of it.
    4. Just like anyone else on the forums, I have the right to express my opinions, respectfully, and I do so, and my opinion can go as far as my opinion on how easy/difficult something may be to implement, EVEN if I wasn't a game developer/programmer myself.

    Regardless, that is off topic, so I'm done with defending my posting. As long as I am respectful, I feel I can keep replying as I see fit, just like everyone else (many of which can devolve into name-calling and other disrespectful behavior, mind you) The Devs need to know that their efforts are appreciated, and that some people weigh the various efforts involved when commenting.


    @Fi Good QoL suggestions. Unstuck command would already help a lot devs and GMs work and therefore, could be implemented right away.. On top of making testing experience better ofc. Sort button for all inventories would be awesome. What I have used sorting in other games it saves nicely time and now it is hard to live without it anymore. 😅

  • I have an idea/suggestion i would like to offer....

    Currently i need to goto a lore window for weapons or armor to see the field displaying the progress achieved in a percentage format for how far you have gotten in making that particular item.

    It would be nice to see that field in the crafting window also to get an update while you are making that item.


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