Hello guys, I came to this game because of Albion, I think that this can be better. Anyone like me?
I like to play cassualy but most of the time solo
Welcome Andreussi.
Personally I came from Legends of Aria. Had a look at Albion but didn't really catch my interest.
These last tests are introducing many features to make the game more approachable to solo players, so your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to Fractured!
I hope you're going to enjoy your time here
@Andreussi Hello and welcome aboard
Welcome, I also find myself playing a lot of Albion right now (and for the past 2.5 years... I have months of game time logged there...). I am really looking forward to this release and agree that I think it can take lessons learned from Albion and improve upon them and the systems.
Hello and Welcome
Welcome to Fractured
Welcome traveller!
Thank you guys... so, is there an estimated release date?
Only rumors.
Earliest possible date is end of 2022.