Net Trap on a Horse
When using net trap on a horse, it will successfully pin it down... But it will also make it completely untargettable. I was trying to kill a few of them... and yeah... issues...
@Xzait are you talking about the animal net item or the net trap skill here?
I think the animal net traps animals for taming, while net trap skill traps them for killing.
Which I find kinda absurd, the item and the skill should work the same way for this matter, one is a skill taking place in memory, the other is an item you need to keep crafted.
It makes little to no sense that you can't tame a horse just because you trapped it with the "wrong" net...
Horses are always untargetable, you can only hit them with non target skill shots.
@Shivashanti I'm pretty sure I've shot some arrows at them by accident a couple days ago...
Yeah sure with autoattacks which are skillshots, but not with magic missles for example.
@Shivashanti ah I see what you mean now!
@Shivashanti I am talking about when Net Trap is used, you can no longer hit them with basic attacks at all. they become immortal.
Ahh i see, understood you wrong there then