Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 2
Already got a group of friends hyped to try it out.
This stage can't come soon enough!
Cant wait great work guys
Can't freaking wait.
I'm just a beta level investor but Psyched to know there'll be another alpha test soon, and an open test as well.
If we could get the date(s) on that, I'd love to be able to make plans (and let hubbywoozle know he'll have to cook his own dinner)
Awesome cant wait to play more!!
Was expecting some sort of survey after the test... Although my entire experience was running around for an hour and a house trying to find an unclaimed spot to start and finding absolutely nothing.
@VitaminK said in Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 2:
Was expecting some sort of survey after the test(...)
There is going to be a survey, see this posting.